The 30th Annual Conference of Japanese Neural Network Society

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Contributed Presentation (Poster)

JNNS2020 » Poster

Poster 1

Wed. Dec 2, 2020 3:15 PM - 5:15 PM Poster Session

2020年12月2日(水) 15:15 〜 17:15

[O1-04] Extended full-FORCE method for training recurrent neural networks with fewer neurons

*Hiroto Tamura1,2,3, Gouhei Tanaka1,2 (1. Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo, 2. International Research Center for Neurointelligence, The University of Tokyo, 3. Research Fellowship for Young Scientists (DC), Japan Society for the Promotion of Science)

Keywords:Recurrent Neural Networks, Online Supervised Learning, Full-FORCE, Reservoir Computing