The 62nd Annual Meeting of the Japan Oil Chemists' Society

Presentation information

3)Science on lipids, fats and oils, nutrition, health function and foods

Oral Presentations

Session 3-1

Tue. Sep 3, 2024 9:30 AM - 12:00 PM Room B (Bldg.4, 1F)

Chair:Hayato Maeda:9:30 - 10:45 AM
Chair:Masashi Hosokawa 10:45 AM- 12:00 PM

10:15 AM - 10:30 AM

[OP50] Effects of Daily Consumption of Scallop Oil Prepared from the Internal Organs of the Japanese Giant Scallop on Serum Lipid Composition: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Parallel Group Comparison Study

*Koki Sugimoto1, Mie Nishimura2, Naohito Ito2, Ryota Hosomi3, Kenji Fukunaga3, Jun Nishihira2 (1. Toyo University, 2. Hokkaido Information University, 3. Kansai University)

Keywords:scallop internal organs derived-oil, eicosapentaenoic acid, docosahexaenoic acid

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