Hsiang-Han Huang1,2, Ching-Ying Hung1, Yung-Tze Lee1, Chia-Ling Chen3,4 (1.Department of Occupational Therapy and Graduate Institute of Behavioral Sciences, Chang Gung University, Taoyuan, Taiwan, 2.Joint Appointment with Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Linkou, Taiwan, 3.Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Linkou, Taiwan, 4.Graduate Institute of Early Intervention, College of Medicine, Chang Gung University, Guishan, Taoyuan, Taiwan)
[PI-2] ポスター:発達障害 2
2023年11月10日(金) 12:00 〜 13:00 ポスター会場 (展示棟)
Yu-Hsin Hsiao1, Hsiang-Ti Shih1, Hsiang-Han Huang1,2, Chia-Ling Chen3,4 (1.Chang Gung UniversityDepartment of Occupational Therapy and Graduate Institute of Behavioral Sciences, 2.Chang Gung Memorial HospitalJoint Appointment with Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 3.Chang Gung Memorial HospitalPhysical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 4.Chang Gung UniversityGraduate Institute of Early Intervention, College of Medicine)
Wen Ching Wu (Tungs' Taichung Metroharbor Hospitalpediatric occupational therapy)
Dini Fajariani, Natsuka Suyama, Yuko Ito (Tokyo Metropolitan UniversityDepartment of Occupational Therapy)
WEICHIH HUNG (St. Raphael Opportunity Center / Topias Social Welfare Foundation)
Shi-Wei Zheng, Ya-Sua Huang (National Cheng Kung UniversityDepartment of Occupational therapy)
Yu-Hsuan LIN1, Ju-Ying Chang2, I-Hsiu Liou1 (1.Kaohsiung Veterans General Hospital, TaiwanDepartment of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, 2.National Pingtung University, TaiwanDepartment of Special Education)