○大沼 雄輝1,2, 沖 将行1, 栁 秀高1, 津田 歩美1, 高木 敦司2, 小澤 秀樹1 (1.Tokai university hospital, 2.Kameda Morinosato hospital)
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オンデマンド・ライブ配信以外 » 一般演題(口演)
[O1] 一般演題(口演)1 「量的研究・混合研究①(診断と検査、身体診察①など)」
○川本 龍一1, 赤瀬 太一1,2, 菊池 明日香1,2, 二宮 大輔1,2, 大塚 伸之2, 熊木 天児1 (1.Department of Community Medicine, Ehime University Graduate School of Medicine, 2.Department of Internal Medicine, Seiyo Municipal Nomura Hospital)
○名和田 雅夫, 船田 将史, 染谷 一貴, 齋藤 和義 (Tobata General Hospital)
○三上 真顯 (Hosshoji internal clinic)
○孫 瑜1,2,3, 廣瀬 由美3, 明石 祐作3, 上田 淳夫3, 野竹 重明3, 鈴木 広道3 (1.Department of Health Service Research, Doctoral program in Clinical Sciences, Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences, University of Tsukuba, 2.Department of General Medicine and Primary Care, University of Tsukuba Hospital, 3.Tsukuba Medical Center Hospital)
○北 啓一朗, 高瀬 義祥, 高瀬 愛, 黒田 萌, 黒田 格, 吉田 樹一郎, 黒岩 麻衣子, 山城 清二 (Department of General Medicine, Toyama University Hospital)
[O-008] Diagnostic performance of rapid antigen test in patients with Campylobacter gastroenteritis.
○廣瀬 由美1, 孫 瑜1,2,3, 明石 祐作4, 上田 淳夫5, 野竹 重幸5, 鈴木 広道4 (1.Tsukuba Medical Center Hospital Department of General Medicine and Primary Care, 2.Department of General Medicine and Primary Care, University of Tsukuba Hospital, 3.Department of Health Service Research, Doctoral program in Clinical Sciences, Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences, University of Tsukuba, 4.Division of Infectious Diseases, Dept. of Medicine, Tsukuba Medical Center Hospital, 5.Tsukuba Medical Center Hospital, Dept. of Clinical Laboratory)
○西川 剛史, 大竹 要生, 辻岡 洋人, 永嶋 有希子, 中村 琢也, 雨森 正記 (Yuge Medical Clinic)