○齋藤 知輝, 田中 貴, 小平 紀久, 長浜 誉佳 (JMDC Inc.)
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[O12] 一般演題(口演)12 「量的研究・混合研究⑪(予防医療・健康増進、SDHなど)」
○西岡 大輔1, 上野 恵子1, 舟越 光彦2, 斉藤 雅茂3, 近藤 尚己1 (1.Department of Health Education and Health Sociology, The University of Tokyo, 2.Chidoribashi Hospital, 3.Department of Social Welfare, Nihon Fukushi University)
○坂西 雄太1,9, 武内 治郎2,9, 千葉 大3,9, 西岡 洋右4,9, 来住 知美5,9, 菅長 麗依6,9, 中山 久仁子7,9, 岡田 唯男6,9, 鈴木 富雄8,9 (1.Sakanishi Internal Medicine and Pediatrics Clinic, 2.Department of Clinical Epidemiology, Hyogo College of Medicine, 3.Division of Infectious Diseases, Kobe University Hospital, 4.Family Medical Practice Hanoi, 5.Nishioka Central Clinic, 6.Iwakura station Tahara clinic, 7.Kameda Family Clinic Tateyama, 8.Medical corporation MEFA Jinaikai My Family Clinic Gamagori, 9.Osaka Medical College Hospital Department of General Medicine, 10.Preventive Medicine and Health Promotion Committee Vaccine Team, Japan Primary Care Association)
○孝田 雅彦1, 山形 睦美1, 佐々木 修一1, 下坂 拓矢1, 李 英伊1, 長尾 孝夫1, 李 瑛1,2, 紙本 美菜子1,2, 井上 和興1,2, 濱田 紀宏1,2, 谷口 晋一1,2, 長尾 裕一郎1 (1.Hino hospital, 2.Department of Community-based Family Medicine)
○伊藤 俊1, 金光 弥加1, 小野 嘉文1, 高佐 顕之1, 渡久山 哲男1, 中川 潤一1, 八十川 要平2 (1.Sagamihara Red Cross Hospital Department of Internal Medicine, 2.Sagamihara Red Cross Hospital)
○坂西 雄太1,10, 武内 治郎2,10, 千葉 大3,9, 西岡 洋右4,9, 来住 知美5,9, 菅長 麗依6,9, 中山 久仁子7,9, 岡田 唯男6,9, 鈴木 富雄8,9 (1.Sakanishi Internal Medicine and Pediatrics Clinic, 2.Department of Clinical Epidemiology, Hyogo College of Medicine, 3.Division of Infectious Diseases, Kobe University Hospital, 4.Family Medical Practice Hanoi, 5.Nishioka Central Clinic, 6.Iwakura station Tahara clinic, 7.Kameda Family Clinic Tateyama, 8.Medical corporation MEFA Jinaikai My Family Clinic Gamagori, 9.Osaka Medical College Hospital Department of General Medicine, 10.Preventive Medicine and Health Promotion Committee Vaccine Team, Japan Primary Care Association)
○西岡 大輔1, 齋藤 順子1,2, 上野 恵子1, 近藤 尚己1 (1.Department of Health Education and Health Sociology, The University of Tokyo, 2.National Cancer Center)
○有馬 遥太朗1, 松本 直也3, 佐々木 詩織1, 齋藤 均4, 勝田 琴絵5, 渡邊 善照1,6, 住友 和弘2 (1.Tohoku Medical and Pharmaceutical University Hospital Department of Pharmacy, 2.Tohoku Medical and Pharmaceutical University Department of Community Medicine, 3.Tomizawa Pharmacy, 4.Kuromatsunai Buna center, 5.Kuromatsunai National Health Insurance Hospital, 6.Tohoku Medical and Pharmaceutical University Hospital Pharmacy Class)