The 11th Annual Conference of Japan Primary Care Association

Session information


オンデマンド・ライブ配信以外 » 一般演題(口演)

[O15] 一般演題(口演)15 「量的研究・混合研究⑬(診療所・病院経営、医療経済など)」

和泉 大禄1, 久代 実穂1, 宇野 めぐみ2, 中山 祐子3, 今西 正美3, 小島 昭彦4, 古田 穣5, 松本 昭英5 (1.Medical Incorporated Association Seishokai Aoi Hospital Information, 2.General Affairs Department, 3.Medical Department, 4.Research Planning Department, 5.Medical Department)

古川 佳那美1, 德永 健一郎2, 遠山 由貴1, 今村 裕亮3, 加島 雅之4, 北田 英貴1 (1.Japanese Red Cross Kumamoto Hospital Department of General Medicine, 2.Japanese Red Cross Kumamoto Hospital Department of Rheumatology, 3.Japanese Red Cross Kumamoto Hospital Department of Emergency Medicine, 4.Japanese Red Cross Kumamoto Hospital Department of Internal Medicine)

桑原 祐樹1,2,3, 金城 文1, 藤井 麻耶1, 尾﨑 米厚1, 吉本 尚2, 美濃部 るり子3, 真栄里 仁3 (1.Division of Environmental and Preventive Medicine Department of Social Medicine, Faculty of Medicine Tottori University, 2.Primary Care and Medical Education, Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences, Majors of Medical Science, University of Tsukuba, Ibaragi, Japan, 3.National Institute of Alcoholism, Kurihama National Hospital, Kanagawa, Japan)




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