○細井 崇弘1, 小曽根 早知子2, 後藤 亮平2, 濱野 淳2 (1.Kamisu Clinical Education and Training Center, Faculty of Medicine, University of Tsukuba, 2.Department of General Medicine, Division of Clinical Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Tsukuba)
Session information
オンデマンド・ライブ配信以外 » 一般演題(口演)
[O4] 一般演題(口演)4 「量的研究・混合研究④(慢性疾患のケアなど)」
○阿部 計大1, 宮脇 敦士1,2, 小林 廉毅1, 渡邊 多永子2, 田宮 菜奈子2 (1.Department of Public Health, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo, 2.Department of Health Services Research, Faculty of Medicine, University of Tsukuba)
○後藤 善則2, 平岡 美枝子1, 山本 恵美子1, 田中 桂子2, 乾 弘美2, 川岸 由里子3, 浦田 裕美3, 横川 美穂子3, 本田 由起子2, 太田 裕子1 (1.Komatsu Municipal Hospital, 2.Komatsu Municipal Hospital Awazu Clinic, 3.Komatsu Municipal Hospital Health Examination Center)
○田中 直毅1, 大西 真聖1, 村越 海玲1, 福間 康訓1, 平尾 由美子2, 藤井 孝祐3, GR セレスタ4, 古田 穣5, 越智 聡6, 吉村 久7, 松本 昭英5 (1.Medical Corporations seisyou Society Itami Rose Clinic Faculty of Clinical Engineering, 2.Medical Corporations seisyou Society Itami Rose Clinic nursing department, 3.Medical Corporations seisyou Society Itami Rose Clinic medical department, 4.Medical Corporations seisyou Society seiyuu Clinic, 5.Medical Corporations seisyou Society Aoi Hospital, 6.Medical Corporations seisyou Society Aisei Dialysis Clinic, 7.Medical Corporations seisyou Society hurusato Dialysis Clinic)
○川上 浩平, 原田 芳巳, 大滝 純司, 平山 陽示 (Tokyo Medical University Primary care)
○加藤 冠1,2, 岩下 直樹1, 小金丸 千景1, 山﨑 広樹1, 継松 太河2, 王 徳権2, 齋藤 文洋2 (1.Department of Internal Medicine, Tokyo Kensei Hospital, 2.Department of Internal Medicine, Ooizumi Health Cooperative Hospital)
○佐藤 弘太郎1, 道信 良子2, 草場 鉄周1 (1.Hokkaido Centre for Family Medicine, Motowanishi Family Clinic, 2.Department of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Center for Medical Education, Sapporo Medical University)
○村山 愛1, 濱井 彩乃2 (1.Toyo Municipal Hospital, 2.Taiyo-kai Social Welfare awachiiki iryo center)