○牧 信行1, 小池 文子2, 永嶋 智香2, 中谷 英仁3, 佐藤 文1, 原田 高根1, 登坂 直規1 (1.Department of Emergency Medicine, Shizuoka General Hospital, 2.Community Medicine Network Center, Shizuoka General Hospital, 3.Division of Statistical Analysis, Research Support Center, Shizuoka General Hospital)
Session information
オンデマンド・ライブ配信以外 » 一般演題(口演)
[O6] 一般演題(口演)6 「量的研究・混合研究⑥(高齢者ケアなど)」
○田邉 憲三1, 皆見 一之1, 小島 昭彦2, 鈴木 雅紹3, 松本 昭英4 (1.Seishoukai Seiyuu Clinic Welfare Equipment Rental Office, 2.Seishoukai Seiyuu Clinic Investigation Plan, 3.Seishoukai Seiyuu Clinic Academic department, 4.Seishoukai Seiyuu Clinic Medical department)
○菰渕 久美子1, 家次 良美2, 森田 素香3, 奥 知子1, 藤井 孝裕4, 宇山 広美5, 森川 洋二6, 窪田 耕輔7, 鄭 起孝8, 吉村 久9, 松本 昭英5 (1.Medical corporation association Seisyoukai Elderly housing with service Rinnekan, 2.Itami Yuai Visiting care office, 3.BaraHome-visit nursing station, 4.ItamiBara Clinic, 5.Seiyuu Clinic, 6.Aoi Hospital, 7.Geriatric health facilities Itamiyuuai, 8.Aisei Dialysis Clinic, 9.Furusato Dialysis Clinic)
○郡山 晴喜 (Home Clinic Mimata)
○大島 壮太郎1, 島田 恵1,2, 河合 真由美2, 倉橋 慎太郎2, 西山 雷祐1, 後藤 英里子1, 大沼 雄輝1, 小澤 秀樹3 (1.Department of General Internal Medicine, Tokai University Oiso Hospital, 2.Department of Patients Support Center, Tokai University Oiso Hospital, 3.Department of General Internal Medicine, Tokai University Hospital)
○水谷 直也1, 八幡 晋輔2, 見坂 恒明3,4, 岡山 雅信2 (1.Department of Internal medicine, Shiso Municipal Hospital, 2.Division of Community Medicine and Medical Education, Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine, 3.Division of Community Medicine and Career Development, Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine, 4.Department of Internal Medicine, Hyogo Prefectural Tamba Medical Center)
○山本 敬祐, 一瀬 直日 (Ako City Hospital)
○和泉 泰衛, 最勝寺 佑介, 鳥巣 裕一, 森 隆浩, 森 英毅, 江﨑 宏典 (NHO Nagasaki Medical Center General Internal Medicine)