[PPP1] 一般演題(ポスター)活動報告1 「地域包括ケア①」
○小豆畑 丈夫1, 横田 裕行2, 照沼 秀也2, 中村 和裕1,2, 河野 大輔1,2, 丹正 勝久1,2 (1.Seitokai Azuhata Hospital, 2.Japan Society for Homecare and Emergency Medicine)
○柳井田 忠茂1, 安部 夏子2, 安部 博史2, 佐藤 智幸3 (1.Hope Co.,Ltd., 2.Sakuranooka Clinic, 3.Kobe Heisei Hospital)
○安部 博史1, 安部 夏子1, 佐藤 智幸2 (1.Sakuranooka clinic, 2.Koube Heisei Hospital)
○木村 幸子1, 松井 智子2, 番匠 千佳子3, 山下 いづみ4, 木谷 朋子5, 井上 真智子2 (1.Visiting Nurse Station Mikatahara, 2.Department of Family and Community Medicine, Hamamatsu University School of Medicine, 3.Town Nursing Consultation Room Live, 4.Hamamatsu Medical Association, 5.Hamamatsu City Health and Welfare Department Senior Citizen's Welfare Division)
○佐々木 直英1, 宇田川 佳浩2, 相澤 出3, 齊藤 奈津美4 (1.Uwanuma Clinic, 2.Social Welfare Corporation Keisenkai Hakufuen, 3.Iwate University of Health and Medical Sciences, 4.Department of Education and Support for Regional, Department of Kampo Medicine, Tohoku University Hospital)
○佐々木 直英1, 宇田川 佳浩2, 相澤 出3, 齊藤 奈津美4 (1.Uwanuma Clinic, 2.Social Welfare Corporation Keisenkai Hakufuen, 3.Iwate University of Health and Medical Sciences, 4.Department of Education and Support for Regional, Department of Kampo Medicine, Tohoku University Hospital)