[PPP24] 一般演題(ポスター)活動報告24 「緩和ケア」
○長谷川 喜一1, 宮武 望1, 岡田 芙美子2, 松山 雅3, 佃 博1, 大田 隆代1, 寺嶋 応顕1, 中野 雄介1, 平松 慎介1, 津谷 あす香1, 益田 典幸1, 松井 薫1, 岩谷 理佳子2, 川口 いずみ2, 福岡 正博1 (1.Izumi City General Hospital, Department of Medical Oncology, 2.Izumi City General Hospital, Department of Nursing, 3.Izumi City General Hospital, Department of Psychiatry)
○児玉 麻衣子, 小林 美貴, 椿 貴佳, 水野 智之, 上谷 幸男, 高野 智早, 浦井 真友美, 廣野 靖夫 (University of Fukui Hospital)
○細井 崇弘1, 出頭 あかり3, 中原 かえで3, 阪本 直人2 (1.Kamisu Clinical Education and Training Center, Faculty of Medicine, University of Tsukuba,, 2.Department of General Medicine, Division of Clinical Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, 3.Seishin Gakuen,junior high school and high school)
○河南 真吾1, 川人 圭祐1,3, 花田 健太1, 江川 創1, 坂東 弘康1, 影治 照喜1, 浦岡 秀行1, 大倉 佳宏2, 山口 治隆3, 鈴記 好博3, 谷 憲治2, 曽我部 正弘4, 岡久 稔也4 (1.Tokushima Prefectural Kaifu hospital, 2.Department of General Medicine and Primary Care, Tokushima University Hospital, 3.Department of General Medicine, Tokushima University Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, 4.Department of General Medicine and Community Health Science, Tokushima University Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences)