[PPP28] 一般演題(ポスター)活動報告28 「診療所・病院経営」
○高見 幸一郎1, 坂上 達也1, 岩本 修一1,2, 河野 稔文1 (1.Tomidahama Hospital, 2.High-Z inc.)
○鈴木 智大1, 西岡 顯1, 見坂 恒明2 (1.Izushi medical center, 2.Division of Community Medicine and Career Development, Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine)
○上田 康雅1,2, 合田 建1,2,3, 浅井 毅2, 見坂 恒明1,2,3, 秋田 穂束1 (1.Department of Internal Medicine, Hyogo Prefectural Tamba Medical Center, 2.mirune Clinic, 3.Division of Community Medicine and Career Development, Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine)
○小島 昭彦1, 末吉 大助2, 宇野 めぐみ1, 古田 穣3, 森川 洋二3, 松本 昭英3 (1.Medical corporation Seishokai Aoi Hospital Nursing department, 2.Medical corporation Seishokai Aoi Hospita Regional medical office, 3.Medical corporation Seishokai Aoi Hospita Medical department)
○羽角 勇紀, 橋本 萌, 畠中 俊, 氷渡 柊, 近藤 真未, 横田 遊, 海永 千怜, 川瀬 圭祐, 岡田 悟 (Tokyo-Kita Medical Center)