[PPP47] 一般演題(ポスター)症例報告12 「高齢者ケア①」
○川上 和徳, 大原 昌樹 (ayagawa national health insurance sue hospital)
○石川 美緒 (Hisamitsu Clinic)
○吉永 亮1, 山口 瑠美2, 安田 雄一2, 赤岩 喬2, 中安 一夫2, 田原 英一1 (1.Iizuka hospital Japanese Oriental medicine department, 2.Kaita Hospital/Iizuka hospital General Medicien department)
○水本 潤希1,2, 芳賀 悠毅3, 尾﨑 達哉1 (1.Department of Medical Education Studies, International Research Center for Medical Education, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo, 2.Department of Family Practice, Ehime Seikyou Hospital, 3.Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Kousei General Hospital)