The 11th Annual Conference of Japan Primary Care Association

Presentation information


オンデマンド・ライブ配信以外(一般演題(ポスター)症例報告) » 「在宅医療、緩和ケア」

[PPP49] 一般演題(ポスター)症例報告14 「在宅医療②、緩和ケア」

[P-症-578] At-home return support of the patient whom dysphagia due to stroke aftereffects remains in with the plural complications

北原 孝夫, 植木 昭彦, 大西 千秋, 福田 志帆, 池田 寿子, 藤澤 智惠美, 藤原 勝之, 谷 かおり (Takamatsu kyoudou Hospital)

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The password has been announced for Pre-registered participants by email.
