82 results
(21 - 40)
The GEOGASHI is a trip guide tool which contains “sweet bite-sized scenery” representing a beautiful landform or a curious rock(lava) . The aim of this product is to share and enjoy widely the loca...
Surveys and research for geoscience
Providing geophysical equipments and technical services.
Academic institution
*High accuracy and IP Measuerment, Network, Development and sales of analyzing system
*Development and sales of satellite communications equipment based on DVB-RCX standard
*Pruduction and sales of...
Sales of mineral and meteor samples
Having experienced the 2011 disaster, Tohoku University has founded the International Research Institute of Disaster Science (IRIDeS). Together with collaborating organizations from many countries ...
Demostration of the IUGONET metadata database and analysis software (UDAS)
Developing Stable isotope imaging technology to iudustrial innovation
JAXA was established to perform from basic research and development to utilization. JAXA’s important mission is to contribute to solving various domestic and international issues.
JAMSTEC has the main objective to contribute to the advancement of academic research in addition to the improvement of marine science and technology by proceeding the fundamental research and devel...
Japan Association of Mineralogical Sciences is involved in an expansive field of science, encompassing mineral science, geochemistry, and petrology.
JCAR was established by arctic environmental researchers in Japan, and it is a nationwide network-based organization for promoting arctic environmental research.
Import and sales/support of isotoperatio mass spectrometer and other some analytical instruments.
We introduce our new portable Radon monitor equipped with GPS, gamma probe, and various gas sensors. SARAD’s RTM2200 can be used for geothermal exploration, volcano monitoring, earthquake predictio...
高級精密理科学機器(電子光学機器・分析機器)、計測検査機器、半導体関連機器、産業機器、医用機器の製造 ・ 販売 ・ 開発研究、およびそれに附帯する製品 ・ 部品の加工委託、保守 ・ サービス、周辺機器の仕入 ・ 販売
JGI's technical services cover the exploration field of petroleum , natural gas, and geothermal energy, and a variety of consulting businesses, including large scale surveys of the earth's crust fo...