Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2014

Presentations by Keyword

Keywords : asteroid

28 results (1 - 10)

  • International Session (Oral)
  • |Symbol B (Biogeosciences)
  • | B-AO Astrobiology & the Origin of Life

Mon. Apr 28, 2014 11:00 AM - 12:41 PM 502 (5F)

Convener:*Kensei Kobayashi(Department of Chemistry and Biotechnology, Faculty of Engineering, Yokohama National University), Akihiko Yamagishi(Tokyo University of Pharmacy and Life Science, Department of Molecular Biology), Masatoshi Ohishi(Astronomy Data Center, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan), Eiichi Tajika(Department of Complexity Science and Engineering, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo), Takeshi Kakegawa(Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University), Shigeru Ida(Department of Earth and Planetary Science, Graduate School of Science and Technology, Tokyo Institute of Technology), Chair:Kensei Kobayashi(Department of Chemistry and Biotechnology, Faculty of Engineering, Yokohama National University), Eiichi Tajika(Department of Complexity Science and Engineering, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo)

  • International Session (Poster)
  • |Symbol B (Biogeosciences)
  • | B-AO Astrobiology & the Origin of Life

Mon. Apr 28, 2014 6:15 PM - 7:30 PM Poster (3F)

Convener:*Kobayashi Kensei(Department of Chemistry and Biotechnology, Faculty of Engineering, Yokohama National University), Akihiko Yamagishi(Tokyo University of Pharmacy and Life Science, Department of Molecular Biology), Masatoshi Ohishi Masatoshi(Astronomy Data Center, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan), Eiichi Tajika(Department of Complexity Science and Engineering, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo), Takeshi Kakegawa(Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University), Shigeru Ida(Department of Earth and Planetary Science, Graduate School of Science and Technology, Tokyo Institute of Technology)

  • Oral
  • |Symbol B (Biogeosciences)
  • | B-PT Paleontology

Wed. Apr 30, 2014 2:15 PM - 4:00 PM 411 (4F)

Convener:*Tsuyoshi Komiya(Department of Earth Science & Astronomy Graduate School of Arts and Sciences The University of Tokyo), Yasuhiro Kato(Department of Systems Innovation, Graduate School of Engineering, University of Tokyo), Katsuhiko Suzuki(Institute for Research on Earth Evolution, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology), Chair:Manabu Nishizawa(Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology)

  • Oral
  • |Symbol P (Space and Planetary Sciences)
  • | P-PS Planetary Sciences

Tue. Apr 29, 2014 11:00 AM - 12:45 PM 416 (4F)

Convener:*Satoshi Okuzumi(Graduate School of Science, Tokyo Institute of Technology), Kosuke Kurosawa(Planetary Exploration Research Center, Chiba Institute of Technology), Chair:Peng Hong(Department of Complexity Science and Engineering, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo), Masanori Onishi(Graduate School of Science, Kobe University)

  • Poster
  • |Symbol P (Space and Planetary Sciences)
  • | P-PS Planetary Sciences

Tue. Apr 29, 2014 6:15 PM - 7:30 PM Poster (3F)

Convener:*Okuzumi Satoshi(Graduate School of Science, Tokyo Institute of Technology), Kosuke Kurosawa(Planetary Exploration Research Center, Chiba Institute of Technology)

  • Oral
  • |Symbol U (Union)
  • | Union

Mon. Apr 28, 2014 9:00 AM - 10:45 AM 503 (5F)

Convener:*Masahiko Arakawa(Graduate School of Science, Kobe University), Taishi Nakamoto(Tokyo Institute of Technology), Sei-ichiro WATANABE(Division of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Graduate School of Science, Nagoya University), Masanao Abe(Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency), MASATERU ISHIGURO(Department of Physics and Astronomy, Seoul National University), Chair:Masahiko Arakawa(Graduate School of Science, Kobe University)

Mon. Apr 28, 2014 9:30 AM - 9:45 AM

*Noriyuki NAMIKI1, Takahide MIZUNO2, Hiroki SENSHU1, Ryuhei YAMADA3, Hirotomo NODA3, Makoto SHIZUGAMI3, Naru HIRATA4, Hitoshi IKEDA5, Shinsuke ABE6, Koji MATSUMOTO3, Shoko OSHIGAMI3, Fumi YOSHIDA3, Naoyuki HIRATA7, Hideaki MIYAMOTO7, Sho SASAKI8, Hiroshi ARAKI3, Seiichi TAZAWA3, Yoshiaki ISHIHARA2, Masanori KOBAYASHI1, Koji WADA1, Hirohide DEMURA4, Jun KIMURA9, Masahiko HAYAKAWA2, Naoki KOBAYASHI2, Makoto MITA2, Kousuke KAWAHARA2, Hiroo KUNIMORI10 (1.PERC/Chitech, 2.ISAS/JAXA, 3.NAOJ, 4.The University of Aizu, 5.ARD/JAXA, 6.Nihon University, 7.The University of Tokyo, 8.Osaka University, 9.Tokyo Institute of Technology, 10.NICT)

  • Oral
  • |Symbol U (Union)
  • | Union

Mon. Apr 28, 2014 9:00 AM - 10:45 AM 503 (5F)

Convener:*Masahiko Arakawa(Graduate School of Science, Kobe University), Taishi Nakamoto(Tokyo Institute of Technology), Sei-ichiro WATANABE(Division of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Graduate School of Science, Nagoya University), Masanao Abe(Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency), MASATERU ISHIGURO(Department of Physics and Astronomy, Seoul National University), Chair:Masahiko Arakawa(Graduate School of Science, Kobe University)

  • Oral
  • |Symbol U (Union)
  • | Union

Mon. Apr 28, 2014 9:00 AM - 10:45 AM 503 (5F)

Convener:*Masahiko Arakawa(Graduate School of Science, Kobe University), Taishi Nakamoto(Tokyo Institute of Technology), Sei-ichiro WATANABE(Division of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Graduate School of Science, Nagoya University), Masanao Abe(Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency), MASATERU ISHIGURO(Department of Physics and Astronomy, Seoul National University), Chair:Masahiko Arakawa(Graduate School of Science, Kobe University)

Mon. Apr 28, 2014 10:30 AM - 10:45 AM

*Ryuhei YAMADA1, Hiroki SENSHU2, Shinsuke ABE3, Fumi YOSHIDA1, Naoyuki HIRATA4, Yoshiaki ISHIHARA5, Naru HIRATA6, Hirotomo NODA1, Noriyuki NAMIKI2 (1.National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, 2.Chiba Institute of Technology, 3.Nihon University, 4.University of Tokyo, 5.Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, 6.The University of Aizu)

  • Oral
  • |Symbol U (Union)
  • | Union

Mon. Apr 28, 2014 9:00 AM - 10:45 AM 503 (5F)

Convener:*Masahiko Arakawa(Graduate School of Science, Kobe University), Taishi Nakamoto(Tokyo Institute of Technology), Sei-ichiro WATANABE(Division of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Graduate School of Science, Nagoya University), Masanao Abe(Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency), MASATERU ISHIGURO(Department of Physics and Astronomy, Seoul National University), Chair:Masahiko Arakawa(Graduate School of Science, Kobe University)

Mon. Apr 28, 2014 10:30 AM - 10:45 AM

*Takahiro IWATA1, Kohei KITAZATO2, Masanao ABE1, Takehiko ARAI1, Yusuke NAKAUCHI3, Tomoki NAKAMURA4, Takahiro HIROI5, Moe MATSUOKA4, Shuji MATSUURA1, Masanobu OZAKI1, Sei-ichiro WATANABE6 (1.Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, JAXA, 2.University of Aizu, 3.Graduate University for Advanced Studies, 4.Tohoku University, 5.Brown University, 6.Nagoya University)

  • Oral
  • |Symbol U (Union)
  • | Union

Mon. Apr 28, 2014 9:00 AM - 10:45 AM 503 (5F)

Convener:*Masahiko Arakawa(Graduate School of Science, Kobe University), Taishi Nakamoto(Tokyo Institute of Technology), Sei-ichiro WATANABE(Division of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Graduate School of Science, Nagoya University), Masanao Abe(Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency), MASATERU ISHIGURO(Department of Physics and Astronomy, Seoul National University), Chair:Masahiko Arakawa(Graduate School of Science, Kobe University)