Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2014

Session information

International Session (Poster)

Symbol A (Atmospheric, Ocean, and Environmental Sciences) » A-CG Complex & General

[A-CG06_29PO1] Satellite Earth Environment Observation

Tue. Apr 29, 2014 6:15 PM - 7:30 PM Poster (3F)

Convener:*Oki Riko(Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency), Yoshiaki Honda(Chiba University, Center for Environmental), Kenlo Nishida Nasahara Kenlo(Institute of Agricultural and Forest Engineering, University of Tsukuba), Takashi Nakajima(Tokai University Department of Network and Computer Engineering, School of Information and Design Engineering), Taikan Oki(Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo), Yokota Tatsuya(Center for Global Environmental Research, National Institute for Environmental Studies), Yukari N. Takayabu(Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute(AORI), The University of Tokyo), Hiroshi Murakami(Earth Observation Research Center, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency), Hajime Okamoto(Research Institute for Applied Mechanics,Kyushu University)

In recent years, we cannot avoid facing issues on global environmental changes that occur in various spatiotemporal scales. The earth environmental observation data by satellites became the necessary basic data to tackle and solve those issues. Due to the recent advancement in the observation sensor technique and the data processing technique, the satellite observation has been showing rapid progress, and the time is changing from examining the accuracy of the observation sensor data to the advancement of the data application, leading to broaden potential users. Although earth environmental remote sensing studies tended to be discussed separately in the individual conference so far, in these days where application became synergetic, we comprehensively pick up this topic in the Atmospheric and Hydrospheric Sciences Session of this Union Meeting that enables to comprise the atmospheric, oceanic and land sciences; by combining the intelligence and the knowledge of the party, we propose a session that aims to prompt further studies towards the issues on earth environmental change and the advancement in the data application.

6:15 PM - 7:30 PM

*Hitoshi HIROSE1, Atsushi HIGUCHI1, Tomoo USHIO2, Tomoaki MEGA2, Munehisa YAMAMOTO3, Shoichi SHIGE3, Takehiko SATOMURA3, Atsushi HAMADA4 (1.Center for Environmental Remote Sensing, Chiba University., 2.Division of Electric and Information Engineering, Osaka University., 3.Division of Earth and Planetary Science, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University., 4.Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, Tokyo University.)

6:15 PM - 7:30 PM

*Takeshi TAMURA1, Keiichiro OHSHIMA2, Jan LIESER3, Takenobu TOYOTA2, Kazutaka TATEYAMA4, Daiki NOMURA2, Kazuki NAKATA2, Alex FRASER2, Peter JANSEN3, Kym NEWBERY3, Robert MASSOM3, Shuki USHIO1 (1.National Institute of Polar Research, 2.Institute of Low Temperature Science, 3.ACE CRC, 4.Kitami Institute of Technology)