9:30 AM - 9:45 AM
*Hitoshi KOIDE1 (1.Climate Change Geosystem)
Symbol H (Human Geosciences) » H-RE Resource and Engineering Geology
Fri. May 2, 2014 9:30 AM - 10:45 AM 419 (4F)
Convener:*Hitoshi Koide(Institute for Geo-Resources and Environment, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology), Naotatsu Shikazono(Department of Applied Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Technology, Keio University), Toshiyuki Tosha(National Institute of Advanced Industridal Scicence and Technology), Ziqiu Xue(Research Institute of Innovative Tech for the Earth), Chair:Toshiyuki Tosha(Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation)
The prevention of global warming is among the most crucial scientific and technological issues. The topics include the geological storage of CO2(CCS), CO2-EOR/EGR(coal seam, shale, hydrate .etc), CO2 ocean disposal, carbon sequestration potential of coral reefs, algae,forests, soil and minerals, CO2 monitoring, MM&V, safety assessments for CCS and other advanced technologies for the carbon geosequestration, recycling and geoengineering.
9:30 AM - 9:45 AM
*Hitoshi KOIDE1 (1.Climate Change Geosystem)
9:45 AM - 10:00 AM
Hiroshi KAMEYA1, *Masaki ONO1 (1.Oyo Corporation)
10:00 AM - 10:15 AM
*Minoru SATO1, Takato TAKEMURA2, Manabu TAKAHASHI3, Ryo ANMA1 (1.Tsukuba University, 2.Nihon University, 3.National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology)
10:15 AM - 10:30 AM
*Xinglin LEI1, Xiaying LI2, Qi LI2 (1.Geological Survey of Japan, AIST, Japan, 2.Institute of Rock and Soil Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Science)
10:30 AM - 10:45 AM
*Yasuko OKUYAMA1, Takahiro FUNATSU1, Takashi FUJII1 (1.Institute for Geo-Resources and Environment, AIST)