


セッション記号 A (大気海洋・環境科学) » A-AS 大気科学・気象学・大気環境

[A-AS22_1PM2] 大気化学

2014年5月1日(木) 16:15 〜 18:00 511 (5F)

コンビーナ:*竹川 暢之(東京大学先端科学技術研究センター)、澤 庸介(気象研究所地球化学研究部)、金谷 有剛(独立行政法人海洋研究開発機構地球環境変動領域)、高橋 けんし(京都大学生存圏研究所)、谷本 浩志(国立環境研究所)、座長:竹川 暢之(東京大学先端科学技術研究センター)

16:15 〜 16:30

[AAS22-P18_PG] 能登半島珠洲におけるPANsおよび有機硝酸エステルの季節変動


*石山 絢菜1高治 諒1定永 靖宗1松木 篤2佐藤 啓市3長田 和雄4坂東 博1 (1.大阪府立大学、2.金沢大学、3.アジア大気汚染研究センター、4.名古屋大学)

キーワード:パーオキシアシルナイトレイトおよび有機硝酸エステル, 長距離輸送, 季節変動

NOx emissions have been increasing in East Asia with recent remarkable economic progress. NOx has relatively short lifetime and NOx concentrations are governed by local NOx emissions. On the other hand, descendant photochemical products of NOx such as T.NO3 (the sum of gaseous nitric acid and particulate nitrates), PANs (peroxyacyl nitrates) and ANs (alkyl nitrates) have longer lifetime than NOx, so that they can be transported over a long-distance. In order to understand influences of the cross-border pollution, it is important to clarify the long-range transport of T.NO3, PANs, and ANs.
We have been continuously observing several pollutants at NOTOGRO (Noto Ground-based Research Observatory) supersite in Suzu, the Noto Peninsula. NOTOGRO is located at 37.45N and 137.36E. NOx were determined by an LED photolytic converter / NO-O3 chemiluminescence method. NOy and T.NO3 were observed by a scrubber difference / NO-O3 chemiluminescence method. CO was monitored by a non-dispersive infrared photometer. PANs and ANs were measured by a thermal dissociation / cavity attenuated phase shift spectroscopy method.
In this presentation, observational results and discussion from December, 2012 to July, 2013 are described, focusing on seasonal variations of PANs and ANs. The air mass origins arriving at Suzu were classified into the following four groups, Russia and North China (RC), Korea and Middle China (KC) and Japan (JP) and Sea (S) using backward trajectory analyses. From winter to spring, both PANs and ANs concentrations from KC were higher than those from the other air mass origins. From spring to summer, their concentrations were independent of air mass origins.
From winter to spring, the lifetimes of PANs and ANs are long because of low temperature and weak solar radiation. In addition, their in-situ photochemical generation rates are low, so that PANs and ANs concentrations in this season are governed by long-range transport. From spring to summer, the lifetimes of PANs and ANs become shorter and their photochemical production rates become higher, that is, local photochemical productions of PANs and ANs are relatively important. Diurnal variations of PANs and ANs also support these concentration variation factors. From winter to spring, no diurnal variations were observed. Meanwhile, PANs and ANs concentrations began to be higher and lower in the daytime and nighttime, respectively, from spring to summer.