Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2014

Presentation information


Symbol A (Atmospheric, Ocean, and Environmental Sciences) » A-CG Complex & General

[A-CG38_28PO1] Datasets Exhibition

Mon. Apr 28, 2014 6:15 PM - 7:30 PM Poster (3F)

Convener:*Higuchi Atsushi(Center for Environmental Remote Sensing (CEReS), Chiba University, Japan), Qoosaku Moteki(Research Institute for Global Change, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology), Kei Yoshimura Kei(Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, University of Tokyo), Hirotaka Kamahori(Meteorological Research Institute), Shintaro Kawahara(Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology)

6:15 PM - 7:30 PM

[ACG38-P01] The data release of Earth observation project data products considering data provider's policies by DIAS

*Hiroko KINUTANI1, Toshiyuki SHIMIZU2, Jiyi LI2, Yoko NAKAHARA2, Masatoshi YOSHIKAWA2, Masaru KITSUREGAWA3, Toshio KOIKE1 (1.The University of Tokyo, 2.Kyoto University, 3.The University of Tokyo, National Institute of Informatics)

Keywords:DIAS, Earth Observation data, Satellite data, Model output data, In-situ data, data policy

Our project, DIAS (Data Integration and Analysis System) started in 2006, has a purpose of constructing data infrastructure that can integrate earth observation data, numerical model outputs, and socio-economic data effectively. DIAS also has a purpose to create knowledge enabling us to solve earth environment problems and to generate socio-economic benefits. From October 2010, we have released data of DIAS with Document-metadata, describing about dataset in English and Japanese. Anyone can use the DIAS data discovery system by accessing http://dias-dss.tkl.iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp/ddc/, and can download data files of 195 datasets through the system.The data in DIAS is classified into 4 categories:1) Numerical simulation outputs for the purpose of research,2) Satellite data for the purpose of research,3) Datasets created by DIAS researchers,4) Datasets created at related projects supported by DIAS. Newly released datasets are NIES CGER Ochiishi Monitoring Station Greenhouse Gases Data, NIES CGER Tomakomai Energy, Water, CO2 Flux, Spectral Radiation, Vegetational Index Data, Atmosphere and ocean carbon dioxide monitoring using volunteer observing ship (Pyxis) servicing between Japan and West Coast, The Japanese 55-year Reanalysis (JRA-55), GRENE-City Tsunami archive, AGURAM Ground Information Database and Asian Monsoon Year projects data products. Data provider to release datasets from DIAS should create the document metadata (both in English and Japanese) that describes the dataset.Data provider should write a policy concerning the data in order to notify to data user in it. In addition to data policy of data provider, project policy of a project that became the background of the data creation, and DIAS data policy are included in the document metadata. If conflicting terms are written among the data policies, we have determined the priority of data policy; the order is data provider, project and DIAS. The data policy of DIAS is as follows:1. With regard to Data policy, if there is any data policy indicated by the data provider, that policy always has priority over this DIAS data policy.2. DIAS data sets are to be used only for scientific research or educational purposes. Commercial use and exploitation of DIAS data sets are prohibited3. Any modification or change of the original DIAS data sets is prohibited.4. Any Re-export or transfer of the original data sets to a third party is prohibited.5. The origin of DIAS data being used for any publication of scientific results must be acknowledged and referenced in the publication, with the quotation given below as an acknowledgement. 6. Whenever DIAS data sets are used for publication of scientific results, the author(s) shall send a copy of the respective publication, preferably in an electronic form or in a separate printed version, to the DIAS CONTACTS as indicatedData policy of DIAS may use as the basis for data providers to create their own data policy.In addition, the data download system developed by DIAS has 4 level access controls to the data for users' data downloading.1) Registered users are able to download.2) In addition to 1), after agreement of data policy, users are able to download.3) In addition to 2), after sending a use application through the system to the data provider and approval is obtained, users are able to download.4) In addition to 2), after users have negotiated individually with the data provider and approval is obtained, users are able to download.By considering the data policy of data provider in this way, we are trying to improve the reliability of DIAS data repositories and DIAS data release.