14:00 〜 15:15
[AGE03-P04] 福島第一原子力発電所事故後の森林土壌におけるCs移動のモニタリング事例
キーワード:セシウム, 森林, 土壌有機物, コロイド
Cesium is a large atom which does not likely to hydrate. Similar to potassium and ammonium cation it prefers to site at siloxane ditrigonal cavity of silica sheet of phyllosilicates. Cesium is strongly, almost irreversibly, captured at frayed edge site of layered clay particles. These facts may make partition coefficient of cesium to be very large. The large partition coefficient may produce larger retardation of cesium transport with percolating water. At the same time large partition coefficient may cause enhance in migration of Cs with moving colloids. A comparison of Cs content distribution of near surface soil of between cleared forestry and a forestry with 5cm litter layer in Iitate village, Fukushima suggested organic colloids could be a transporter of Cs at litter covered forest. Soil total carbon content as well as C/N ratio had relation with soil Cs content. A depth where soil had higher organic carbon and lower C/N ratio tended to show high Cs content.