*Noritoshi MORIKAWA1, Masaya YASUHARA1, Takeshi HAYASHI2, Akinobu MIYAKOSHI1, Akihiko INAMURA1, Masaaki TAKAKASHI1, Atsuko NAKAMA1
(1.Gelological Survey of Japan, AIST, 2.Akita University)
Keywords:Kanto Plain, groundwater, chloride ion, Noble Gas, Helium isotope
There exist three regions in the Kanto plain, central Japan, whose artesian groundwater is characterized by a high Cl- concentration: 1) central parts of the Kanto plain (Saitama Prefecture), 2) south-east parts of Gunma Prefecture), 3) floodplains and deluvial uplands along the lower reaches of Kokai and Tone rivers (Ibaraki and Chiba Prefectures).As for that in the central parts of the Kanto plain, confined groundwater with a high Cl- concentration of up to 216 mg/l is obtained from the productive boreholes of 200-430 m depth. The area of Cl--rich groundwater, spreading from the northwest to southeast, corresponds with the so-called Motoarakawa tectonic zone (ca. 10 km wide by 35 km long) bounded by the fault on its longer sides. The 36Cl/Cl results of these high chloride groundwaters imply that admixture of meteoric water and sea water in the period of the Shimosueyoshi transgression (peak period at around 125,000 yrs. BP) is likely to account for its elevated Cl- concentration (Yasuhara et al., 2011). Morikawa et al (2006) conducted dissolved noble gas analyses for the groundwaters in the Motoarakawa tectonic zone. The results of helium isotopes are as follows; (1) there is a tendency of high 4He concentration in the groundwaters inside the tectonic zone, (2) helium isotopic ratios (3He/4He) are relatively homogeneous with an end member of 0.8-1.1 x 10-6. Helium-4 concentration show clear positive correlation with chloride concentration. Combined with this correlation and characteristics of helium isotopic ratio, it is inferred that the groundwater from the tectonic zone is a mixture of meteoric water and high chloride saline water bearing with high 4He or is stagnant old groundwater and that the groundwater flow system is distinct from those from outside of the tectonic zone.In this study, we investigated the noble gas in the deeper groundwaters (hot springs) around the Motoarakawa tectonic belt and the high-chloride groundwaters from south-east parts of Gunma Prefecture to elucidate the origin of water and chrolide component in the central parts of the Kanto plain. Low 3He/4He ratios in the hot springs indicate that there is no interconnectivity between the high chloride groundwater and hotspring water around the Motoawakawa tectonic zone. In contrast, both 3He/4He ratio and correlative 4He and Cl concentration in the high-chrolide groundwaters from south-east parts of Gunma Prefecture are similar to those in the groundwaters in the Motoarakawa tectonic zone.