16:15 〜 16:30
[BPT25-07] 北西太平洋における上部漸新統・下部中新統の放散虫化石層序
キーワード:放散虫, 化石帯, Site 884, 北太平洋
Ocean Drilling Program Leg 145 Hole 884B core provides the most continuous Neogene sequence of pelagic sediments in the northwest Pacific. We examined radiolarians from the Upper Miocene to Lower Miocene sediment of the core to establish subdivided radiolarian biozones. The Upper Oligocene sequence can be divided into three zones, Actinomma sp. A, Hexacontium sp. B and Cyrtolagena laguncula Zones, in ascending order. The Lower Miocene sequence can be divided into four zones, Botryopyle sp. B, Pentactinosphaera hokurikuensis, Stichocorys subligata and Dendrospyris sakaii Zones, in ascending order. Each of Botryopyle sp. B Zone and P. hokurikuensis Zone has been subdivided into subzones a, b and c. Some episodes of significant faunal changes of radiolarians are identified within the studied interval. They seem not to reflect global cooling events but to reflect some regional events.