


セッション記号 H (地球人間圏科学) » H-CG 地球人間圏科学複合領域・一般

[H-CG38_29AM2] 惑星と閉鎖生態系における生物のシステム―微生物からヒトまで

2014年4月29日(火) 11:00 〜 12:45 424 (4F)

コンビーナ:*富田ー横谷 香織(筑波大学大学院生命環境科学研究科)、小島 洋志(なし)、座長:富田ー横谷 香織(筑波大学大学院生命環境科学研究科)

12:30 〜 12:45

[HCG38-P01_PG] ヤクシマカワゴロモに影響を与える付着藻類繁茂の原因解明


*北渕 浩之1永淵 修1中澤 暦1横田 久里子2手塚 賢至3鮎川 和康4田辺 雅博5 (1.滋賀県立大学、2.豊橋技術科学大学、3.ヤクタネゴヨウ調査隊、4.環境システム株式会社、5.日科機バイオス株式会社)

キーワード:ヤクシマカワゴロモ, 付着藻類, 屋久島, 栄養塩

Hydrobryum puncticulatum (Yakushimakawagoromo), the national monument and endangered species are making their habitat only in Isso river of Yakushima. For the first time in our observation, the bloom of Melosira varians which is periphyton of diatom was observed to be covered over the H.puncticulatum from 2011. This impact for the H.puncticulatum is a serious concern .The purpose of this study is to clarify the cause of bloom of M.varians. We examined the annual variability of dissolved nutrient concentration which was most accessible to M.varians. As a result, there was no increase in concentration of NO3-N, SiO2-Si from 2009 to 2013. In addition, PO4-P was much lower concentration(0.003±0.001 mg/ l). Therefore, we assumed that there was no relationship between the bloom of M.varians and dissolved nutrient concentration in Isso river. Meanwhile, the floating mud which was deposited in the bottom of the river has been continued during dry-spell. Tachibana et al (1986) reported that an algae can intake the suspended nutrient same as dissolved nutrient. It suggests that the M.varians and H.puncticulatum can take suspended nutrient.