Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2014

Presentation information

International Session (Oral)

Symbol M (Multidisciplinary and Interdisciplinary) » M-IS Intersection

[M-IS01_29PM1] Land-ocean linkages in East Asian marginal seas

Tue. Apr 29, 2014 2:15 PM - 4:00 PM 314 (3F)

Convener:*Ryuji Tada(Department of Earth and Planetary Science, Graduate School of Science, The Univeristy of Tokyo), Murray, Richard W(Boston University), Chair:Takuya Sagawa(Faculty of Sciences, Kyushu University), Yoshimi Kubota(National Museum of Nature and Science)

2:15 PM - 2:30 PM

[MIS01-01] Evolution and variability of East Asian monsoon and the potential relationship with Himalaya-Tibet uplift

*Ryuji TADA1 (1.Graduate School of Science, the University of Tokyo)

Keywords:Monsoon, Himalaya-Tibet, Tectonics-Climate Linkage, East Asia, Japan Sea, Westerly Jet

Monsoon is climatic phenomenon driven by heat capacity contrast between the continent and ocean, so every continent has its own monsoon system. Asian Monsoon is by far the largest monsoon system on the globe. Although it is regional phenomenon, it exerts significant influence on the global climate. The extremely large size of Asian Monsoon system is considered as having been caused by the presence of Himalaya and Tibetan Plateau (HTP). The large size and high altitude of HTP resulted in higher temperature at ca. 5000 m altitude compared to the surrounding area during summer that resulted in ascending air and development of low pressure cell over the plateau. Topographic effect could be also important to enhance summer monsoon. Large size of Asian continent enhanced cooling over continent during winter, resulted in development of high pressure cell known as Siberian High. HTP plays a role of topographic barrier that keeps Siberian High stronger and stable. Consequently, presence of HTP could have been playing a crucial role to strengthen Asian Monsoon. If correct, uplift of HTP could have resulted in intensification of Asian Monsoon. Climatic simulations can be used to test the hypothesis that uplift of HTP has intensified Asian Monsoon if uplift history of HTP is known well. However, timings, modes, and magnitudes of HTP uplift have been poorly understood until recently. Situation is rapidly improved recently due to accumulation of thermo-chronological data from the various parts of HTP. Namely, collision of Indian Subcontinent against Eurasian Continent approximately at 40 Ma caused the 1st phase of Tibetan uplift that raised southern Tibet close to the present height by 35 Ma. From 25 Ma to 15 Ma, Main Central Thrust (MCT) and South Detachment System (STDS) in frontal Himalaya were activated and lower crust was extruded and eroded extensively. Approximately at 15 Ma, these fault system ceased their movements and east-west extension started in Tibet. From 15 Ma to 10Ma is the 2nd phase when Tibetan Plateau grew southeastward and possibly also northward. The 3rd phase of uplift started from approximately 5 Ma when northwestern Tibet, TienShan and Altai Mountains uplifted. Using this uplifting history of HTP as a boundary condition, it is possible to estimate what kind of paleoclimatic changes are expected in response to these 3 uplift phases based on climate simulation results. In this presentation, I will review a recent progress in researches on tectonics-climate linkage as HTP uplift and Asian Monsoon evolution as an example.