


セッション記号 M (領域外・複数領域) » M-IS ジョイント

[M-IS21_28AM1] 生物地球化学

2014年4月28日(月) 09:00 〜 10:45 511 (5F)

コンビーナ:*楊 宗興(東京農工大学)、柴田 英昭(北海道大学北方生物圏フィールド科学センター)、大河内 直彦(海洋研究開発機構)、山下 洋平(北海道大学 大学院地球環境科学研究院)、座長:横川 太一(愛媛大学沿岸環境科学研究センター)、野牧 秀隆(独立行政法人 海洋研究開発機構 海洋・極限環境生物圏領域)、高野 淑識(海洋研究開発機構)、長尾 誠也(金沢大学環日本海域環境研究センター)

09:00 〜 09:15

[MIS21-01] (超)深海堆積物における窒素動態と微生物生態

*西澤 学1平井 美穂1野牧 秀隆1柳川 勝紀1眞壁 明子2木庭 啓介2布浦 拓郎1 (1.海洋研究開発機構、2.東京農工大学)

Great progress has been made in understanding the nitrogen cycle in oceanic waters by the recent identification of ammonia-oxidizing archaea and anaerobic ammonia oxidizer (anammox), and by the following comprehensive approaches to clarify the abundance and activity of each component in the nitrogen cycle. However, nitrogen dynamics in marine sedimentary habitats is still uncertain. To further characterize nitrogen dynamics in the deep-sea sediments, we have quantified i) gene abundance of putative nitrifers, denitrifers and anammox, and ii) potential rate of denitrification in the hadopelagic sediment cores taken from the Ogasawara Trench (water depth of 9760m). We have also determined nitrogen and oxygen stable isotopic compositions of nitrate in the interstitial water in the hadopelagic sediments. Abundance of potential proteobacterial denitrifers correlated with that of nitrifers through the depth, and anammox also likely co-occurred with nitrifers. Further, nitrate isotope compositions suggest the enrichment of 18O by nitrification process and co-occurrence of nitrification and denitrification in nitrate reduction zone. The data suggest that aerobic and anaerobic processes of the nitrogen cycle coupled in the nitrate reduction zone in the hadopelagic sediments.