11:00 AM - 11:30 AM
★ [O01-04] Urban Disaster
Keywords:Urban disaster, Disaster evolution, Phase tradition
Disasters in urban area have evolved with urbanization such as urbanizing disaster, urbanized disaster, urban disaster and Super-urban disaster. These changes of the disasters are discontinuous due to phase tradition. The condition will be proposed by the worst damage scenario. The disaster vulnerability depends on several conditions such as rapid urbanization and inadequate land use management, over-population and its density, imbalance of natural environment, over-dependence on social infrastructure and public service. Disaster resilience was proposed in Hyogo Framework of Action (HFA), the 3rd United Nation Conference on Disaster Reduction in 2005. Japanese government will promote the disaster resilient policy, but it does not include community based projects which is also supported by people in any community. In the case of retrofit of houses, community based promotion is necessary because the cause of a fire is an earthquake vulnerable old house in the community.