Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2014

Presentation information


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[O-04_29PO1] Poster presentations by senior high school students

Tue. Apr 29, 2014 1:45 PM - 3:15 PM Poster (3F)

Senior high school students show poster presentations on topics in fields of earth and planetary science. We provide an opportunity for senior high school students to give their presentations in the conference and to have discussions with them. This session has been presented as a public outreach session since 2006. The JpGU Publicity and Outreach Committee members are conveners of this session.

2:45 PM - 3:15 PM

[O04-P16] Form and origin of The Stratified Garnetsand at Samejima Coast, Iwata city,Shizuoka prefecture.

*Takuya NISHIO1, *Arata TAKAGI1, Mamoru HAYAKAWA1, Hogara KAMO1, Reo SUZUKI1, Koutaro SHIMA1, Yuki NISHIZAKI1, Syun KATO1 (1.Iwataminami high school)

