Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2014

Presentation information


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[O-04_29PO1] Poster presentations by senior high school students

Tue. Apr 29, 2014 1:45 PM - 3:15 PM Poster (3F)

Senior high school students show poster presentations on topics in fields of earth and planetary science. We provide an opportunity for senior high school students to give their presentations in the conference and to have discussions with them. This session has been presented as a public outreach session since 2006. The JpGU Publicity and Outreach Committee members are conveners of this session.

2:45 PM - 3:15 PM

[O04-P29] The comparison of the magma differentiation and subsolidus process in Bingie Bingie Point and southwest Japan

*Syugo EBISU1, *Mao HASEGAWA1, *Naoki HIRAIWA1, *Yuka HIROSE1, *Taro KAWAKATSU1, *Ayaka KITANO1, *Takato MASUTA1, *Haruna OOTSUBO1, *Reiko WAKAZONO1, Natsuka NISHIDA1, Risa TSUBOI1, Teruyuki YOSHIOKA1 (1.Hyogo prefectural Kakogawahigashi senior high school)


シドニー南部ニュー・サウス・ウエールズ州Bingie Bingie Point深成岩類の地質調査をおこない、試料から薄片を作成して偏光顕微鏡で詳細に観察し、兵庫県南東部加古川市の播磨花崗閃緑岩(山陽帯)、神戸市布引花崗閃緑岩(領家帯)および島根県大東-横田石英閃緑岩(山陰帯)と比較した。その結果、形成時代も陸地の成因も異なる深成岩類の角閃石から発見した共通の波状累帯構造や輝石のレリックおよび角閃石と酸化鉱物の共存関係は、マグマ分化過程~サブソリダス過程でのできごとと環境を知る共通の指標となることが明らかになった。