Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2014

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[O-06_30PO1] Geoparks in Japan

Wed. Apr 30, 2014 6:15 PM - 7:30 PM Poster (3F)

Convener:*Watanabe Mahito(Institute of Geology and Geoinformation, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology), Tatsuya Sumita(The National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST))

6:15 PM - 7:30 PM

[O06-P13] Effects and Issues of Resident Involvement in Walking Model Route Map

*Noritaka MATSUBARA1, Tohru SAKIYAMA1 (1.Division of Geo Environmental Sciences,University of Hyogo)

Keywords:geopark, San' in Kaigan Geopark, Geopark Walking Model Route Map, resident participation

One of the important roles of geopark activities is resident understanding of the geopark concept, territory and its features. For this purpose, it is important that local residents participate in geopark activities positively. However, in Japan, where local development has been undertaken by governmental organizations, it is difficult for local residents to take part in geopark activities. This time, we planned "Geopark Walking Model Route Map" across the San' in Kaigan Geopark in cooperation with local people, to promote better understanding and communication with local people, government and academia involved in geopark activities. In a geopark, creating a tour route and map which allow visitors to explore the geosites easily is required. We have therefore prepared a "Geopark Walking Model Route Map" for walking tours in half-day or one day, and for enjoying the feature of each area. Each map includes outlines of about twelve must-see geological spots, allowing visitors to enjoy sightseeing and learn about the San' in Kaigan Geopark. 20 model courses extending to three prefectures (Kyoto, Hyogo and Tottori) were created until fiscal year 2012.1) San'in Kaigan Geopark Promotion Council Academic Group selects the candidate sites from the area where geopark activities are prosperous, and if requested to create a map by local residents.2) Local guides, tourism facilities, local residents, geopark-related officials and academic members form a working group on creating a draft of map.3) The working group surveys the field and checks the highlights, safety, estimated walking time, etc.4) Academic Group creates a map.5) The working group checks the content of the map.Since Academic Group directly got involved in creating a map, the contents were thought to become difficult. To make it understandable to the general public, we posted images and descriptions on the map to Facebook and modified them to more simply by collecting public opinions through SNS during the process 5). We were able to make "Geopark Walking Model Route Map" useful for local residents, by involving experienced local guides and people in the area. It is important that geopark guides take part in map creation especially in the process 2) and 3). Firstly, geopark guide's participation made the map more practical. Secondly, by working together by local residents and researchers, scientific information could be shared among local people. As mentioned above, we think that resident involvement in planning "Geopark Walking Model Route Map" was effective, however, some problems were found in its operation. The map is not used effectively in the area which has fewer visitors and no local guides. From now on, it is also necessary to accept visitor's opinions and correct continuously so that the map may come to be more effective and useful for both visitors and local residents.