Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2014

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[O-06_30PO1] Geoparks in Japan

Wed. Apr 30, 2014 6:15 PM - 7:30 PM Poster (3F)

Convener:*Watanabe Mahito(Institute of Geology and Geoinformation, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology), Tatsuya Sumita(The National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST))

6:15 PM - 7:30 PM

[O06-P20] Private organization for lifelong learning in the Geopark -San-in Kaigan Geopark Saloon (tentative name)

*Tohru SAKIYAMA1, Atsuko NIINA2, Noritaka MATSUBARA1, Hiroko IMAI3, Manabu IMAI3 (1.Graduate School of Regional Resource Management, University of Hyogo, 2.Regional Innovation Institute, Tottori University of Environmental Studies, 3.NPO Tajima Umino Gakko)

Keywords:geopark, San-in Kaigan, lifelong learning, earth science education

Local branding is required in a geopark, and therefore the lifelong education is one of the important activities of the geopark. The staffs of many education and research organizations such as universities and museums are working in the San-in Kaigan Geopark. They do research activities and take part in the operation of the geopark as the member of the committee. Furthermore, they educate for geopark guides and general citizens. These educations are carried out by each organization in cooperation with municipalities individually. There are many small educational facilities and community center in the geopark and some of them provide some educational programs related to geopark. Furthermore, individual guide groups and nonprofit organizations related geopark activity also provide opportunity of learning of training for guides and improving their skill. Summarizing and provision of information by promotion council of San-in Kaigan Geopark are expected, but all programs cannot be grasped by following reasons. (1)Most of events are not for full area but close to a municipality. (2)Most of promoting offices of the geopark belong to industry and tourism division, but most of educational facilities belong to education board in the city or town. (3)Some information on the private offices, NPO and university are not easily spread, because of operating system of the organization led by local government.(4)Secretariat has very much work because of the wide geopark.Then we started up a private group (San-in Kaigan Geopark Research Group) for the lifelong education. Members of San-in Kaigan Geopark Research Group belong to universities , NPO, corporations, guide groups and administrative officers. The San-in Kaigan Geopark Research Group supports the San-in Kaigan Geopark through following educating programs.(1)Holding regular meetings(2)Coordination of seminars provided by many educational facilities(3)Providing original seminars (4)Planning and execution of out-reach program (geo-caravan)(5)Providing lecturer(6)Execution of continuous professional development for geopark guide (Geo-CPD) The group is composed mainly of staffs of NPO, personal organization and university, and can provide the educational activities across the administrative division. Participation of staffs from various fields makes the geopark expect spreading cooperation in the San-in Kaigan Geopark.