Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2014

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[O-06_30PO1] Geoparks in Japan

Wed. Apr 30, 2014 6:15 PM - 7:30 PM Poster (3F)

Convener:*Watanabe Mahito(Institute of Geology and Geoinformation, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology), Tatsuya Sumita(The National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST))

6:15 PM - 7:30 PM

[O06-P22] A Five Senses Sensation in Oga City Geopark Study Center -Geological Geo-Cite and Human History&Culture Meeting Point-

*Yusuke IGARASHI1, Mitukazu KIKUCHI2, Tomoko OYAMADA2 (1.Oga City Board of Education, 2.Oga City Geopark Study Center)

Keywords:The Oga City Geopark Study Center, education, history, culture

The Oga City Geopark Study Center was officially opened on August in 2012. This opening followed on from the establishment of the Oga Peninsula-Ogata region as one of the Japanese Geopark sites on September in 2011. The creation of this center focused on the idea that by coming to visit, you would be able to learn everything that there is to know about the Oga Peninsula-Ogata Geopark and surrounding area. Since the opening of this facility, more than half of the guests at the Geopark center have consisted of arranged educational institution visits - among these visits, Elementary School guests have been the most in number so far. Recently, we are seeing an increase in visits to the center when the weather is poor outside, as this is the biggest issue for people who are traveling to visit the area as part of a 'Geo-Tour'.Depending upon the guest, we have aimed to provide a wide range of learning materials considering the age and the purpose of the visit. We have also given a high priority to hands-on, participatory ways of learning that will require the use of all five senses of the visitor.For the lower grade Elementary School learners, we have also provided a range of picture-story style shows which are related to both the Geopark, as well as the legends and stories of Oga City. During the summer and winter vacation times, a workshop is held for Elementary School guests where rock specimen and stones from the Oga area are used to make replicas and models of various common fossils. We are very keen to promote these hands-on activities to the enjoyment of our guests.Aside from the geological elements of our center, it is also felt that we should promote and educate visitors to the human history of the region in order to preserve our cultural and traditional assets. We aim to cover both of these points comprehensively and widely.Going forward, it is our aim to promote the human and geological connection and to explore this intertwined relationship. We wish to further our success in this by cooperation with the Ogata Village Polder Museum of Reclaimed Agricultural Land, located only a few kilometers away from our Geopark's location.It is with this announcement that we would like to introduce you to our facility and activities and express the wish for prospects which lead us to a bright and successful future.