Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2014

Presentation information


Symbol P (Space and Planetary Sciences) » P-CG Complex & General

[P-CG38_1PM2] Planetary atmosphere, ionosphere and magnetosphere

Thu. May 1, 2014 4:15 PM - 6:00 PM 423 (4F)

Convener:*Takeshi Imamura(Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, Institute of Space and Astronautical Science), Kanako Seki(Solar-Terrestrial Environment Laboratory, Nagoya University), Yukihiro Takahashi(Department of Cosmosciences, Graduate School of Science, Hokkaido University), Yoshiyuki O. Takahashi(Center for Planetary Science), Keiichiro Fukazawa(Research Institute for Information Technology,Kyushu University), Hiromu Nakagawa(Planetary Atmosphere Physics Laboratory, Department of Geophysics, Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University), Chair:Hiromu Nakagawa(Planetary Atmosphere Physics Laboratory, Department of Geophysics, Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University)

5:30 PM - 5:45 PM

[PCG38-P12_PG] Coordinated observation of Io plasma torus using Hisaki/EXCEED and gourd-based telescopes

3-min talk in an oral session

*Masato KAGITANI1, Steffl ANDREW2, Sarah BADMAN3 (1.Tohoku university, 2.Southwest Research Institute, 3.University of Leicester)

Keywords:Hisaki/EXCEED, Io plasma torus

EXCEED is an EUV spectrograph onboard an earth-orbiting space telescope, Hisaki(SPRINT-A). One of the primal mission goal of Hisaki/EXCEED is to reveal radial transport of mass and energy in the Jovian magnetosphere. At the begging of January 2014, intense campaign observations of Jovian aurora and Io plasma torus were made using Hisaki/EXCEED, Hubble Space Telescope and other ground-based telescopes covering wavelength range from EUV through IR. We will present results of spectroscopic observation of Io plasma torus using the R.C. spectrograph attached to Kitt-Peak 4-meter telescope and an Echelle spectrograph attached to Haleakala 40-cm telescope. The 4-meter R.C. Spectrograph was set up covering 550nm through 800nm which could successfully detect NaD (589nm), SIII 631.2nm, SII 671.6/673.1nm, and OII 731.9/733.0nm as well. A field-of-view was 98 arcseconds along the slit and the slit center was pointed at the dawn or dusk edge of the centrifugal equator. We could get 54 spectra from the observation during January 4th through 10th, 2014.The Haleakala spectrograph is a high-resolution echelle spectrograh with an integrated field unit (IFU) which enables to capture 2-d distribution of [SII] 671.6/673.1nm emission with spectral resolution of 67000 over a field-of-view of 41'' by 61''. The 40-cm telescope was observing Io plasma torus all over the night during the observing campaign period. Based on preliminary analysis of the EUV spectrum from EXCEED/Hisaki, visible spectrum from Kitt-Peak 4-meter and Haleakala 40-cm, emission peaks of SIII and OII was located outward compared to the SII emission peak which is consistent with results from previous studies. More accurate analysis including pointing calibration and flux calibration are ongoing, the result will be presented at the meeting.