Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2014

Presentation information


Symbol S (Solid Earth Sciences) » S-CG Complex & General

[S-CG61_2AM2] Petrology, Mineralogy and Resource Geology

Fri. May 2, 2014 11:00 AM - 12:45 PM 311 (3F)

Convener:*Toshiaki Tsunogae(Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences (Earth Evolution Sciences), University of Tsukuba), Koichiro Fujinaga(Department of Systems Innovation, School of Engineering, University of Tokyo), Akira Miyake(Department of Geology and Mineralogy, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University), Nobutaka Tsuchiya(Department of Geology, Faculty of Education, Iwate University), Chair:Koichiro Fujinaga(Department of Systems Innovation, School of Engineering, University of Tokyo), Akira Miyake(Department of Geology and Mineralogy, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University)

12:15 PM - 12:30 PM

[SCG61-P15_PG] Validation of mass attenuation coefficients in quantitative electron probe microanalysis (EPMA)

3-min talk in an oral session

*Takenori KATO1, Mi-jung JEEN2, Deung-lyong CHO3, Kei SATO1 (1.Center for Chronological Research, Nagoya University, 2.Center for Research Facilities, Pusan National University, 3.Geological Mapping Department, Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources)

Keywords:electron probe microanalysis (EPMA), quantitative analysis, mass attenuation coefficients, matrix correction

Mass attenuation coefficients (m.a.c.s) are important factors of accuracy in quantitative electron probe microanalysis (EPMA). New m.a.c.s are calculated from the latest version of two datasets[1][2] for Z = 1 - 92. The combination of two datasets solves the problems within them, such as spurious discontinuity and unnatural increase at high-energy sides of absorption edges. New m.a.c.s improve accuracy including geological applications.[1] Henke B.L., Gullikson, E.M. and Davis, J.C. (1993) At. Data Nucl. Data Tables, 54, 181 - 342.[2] Hubbel J.H. and Seltzer S.M. (1995) NISTIR, 5632, pp. 116.