


セッション記号 S (固体地球科学) » S-SS 地震学

[S-SS23_1PO1] 強震動・地震災害

2014年5月1日(木) 18:15 〜 19:30 3階ポスター会場 (3F)

コンビーナ:*元木 健太郎(小堀鐸二研究所)

18:15 〜 19:30

[SSS23-P03] SATREPS Project on Earthquake and Tsunami Disaster Mitigation in the Marmara Region and Disaster Education in Turkey

*CITAK Seckin ozgur1KANEDA Yoshiyuki1ERDIK Mustafa2TAKAHASHI Narumi1OZEL Nurcan meral2HORI Takane1HORI Muneo3KUMAMOTO Kunihiko4KALAFAT Dogan2PINAR Ali2OZEL Oguz5YALCINER Ahmet cevdet6NURLU Murat7TAMIRCAN Gulum2MIRZAOGLU Mete7ARIYOSHI Keisuke1 (1.Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC), Japan、2.Bogazici University, Kandilli Observatory and Earthquake Researches Institute (KOERI), Turkey、3.University of Tokyo, Japan、4.Edogawa University, Japan、5.Istanbul University, Turkey、6.Middle East Technical University, Turkey、7.Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency (AFAD), Turkey)

キーワード:sea bottom observation, earthquake disaster mitigation, tsunami disaster mitigation, disaster education, Turkey, SATREPS

Since 1939, devastating earthquakes with magnitude greater than seven ruptured North Anatolian Fault (NAF) westward, starting from 1939 Erzincan (Ms=7.9) at the eastern Turkey and including the latest 1999 Izmit-Golcuk (Ms=7.4) and the Duzce (Ms=7.2) earthquakes in the eastern Marmara region. On the other hand, the west of the Sea of Marmara an Mw7.4 earthquake ruptured the NAF's Ganos segment in 1912. The only un-ruptured segments of the NAF in the last century are within the Sea of Marmara, and are identified as a "seismic gap" zone. The Sea of Marmara should be focused on through a multidisciplinary research and uncertainty in magnitude, epicenter, recurrence, fault segmentation, and their cross effects should be identified and characterized. To fill the necessity above, a comprehensive multidisciplinary research on earthquake and tsunami disaster mitigation in the Marmara region and disaster education in Turkey in the framework of Science and Technology Research Partnership for Sustainable Development (SATREPS) sponsored by Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) and Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) has been started.
The project is composed of four research groups.
The first is "Earthquake Source Model research" group. Long-term OBS observation, Electromagnetic observation, Seafloor extensometer observation and Trench survey studies will be conducted in order to identify the detailed seismic zone, fault geometry, 3D Velocity structure and reliable crustal deformation beneath the Sea of Marmara.
The second is "Tsunami prediction based on earthquake cycle simulation research" group. In this group earthquake and tsunami occurrence scenarios will be proposed based on especially the research Group 1's outputs and current knowledge on NAF's seismic activities. The outputs will be used for the simulation of strong ground motion, developing of advanced hazard maps and a tsunami early warning system.
The third is "Seismic characterization and damage prediction research" group. This group focuses on modeling of 3D velocity structure, theoretical prediction of ground motion and evaluation of existing structures in the selected urban areas using research outputs of the other groups. Also there will be an attempted of making an urban area model for Istanbul using available data for this area, and to execute earthquake hazard and disaster simulation for various scenarios of a possible earthquake. Improved hazard maps and visual materials for disaster education are expected.
The fourth is "Disaster education using research result visuals from each research" group In group four, effective use of media in the dissemination of disaster information will be examined and disaster management planning through regional disaster prevention community will be encouraged. as well as, using the research visuals a disaster prevention education program will be conducted through media, web, local communities and schools.
Goals of the project are as follows,
1- To develop disaster mitigation policy and strategies based on multidisciplinary research activities.
2- To provide decision makers with newly found knowledge for its implementation to the current regulations.
3- To organize disaster education programs in order to increase disaster awareness in Turkey.
4- To contribute the evaluation of active fault studies in Japan.
Through the project, the research results will be integrated for disaster mitigation in The Marmara region and disaster education in Turkey. The details of SATREPS Japan-Turkey joint research project and latest achievements will be presented.