Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2014

Presentation information


Symbol S (Solid Earth Sciences) » S-SS Seismology

[S-SS26_30PO1] Crustal Structure

Wed. Apr 30, 2014 6:15 PM - 7:30 PM Poster (3F)

Convener:*Nakanishi Ayako(Institute for Frontier Research on Earth Evolution, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology)

6:15 PM - 7:30 PM

[SSS26-P12] Depth variation of the P- and S-wave velocities in the Kanto sedimentary basin inferred from seismic interferometry

*Kazuo YOSHIMOTO1, Yuma SUGAWARA1, Kengo KAJIKAWA1, Manabu KOBAYASHI1, Kei MASUDA1, Shunsuke TAKEMURA1, Naoshi HIRATA2, Shin'ichi SAKAI2, Hiroshi SATO2, Hisashi NAKAHARA3 (1.Nanobioscience, Yokohama City Univ, Yokohama, Japan, 2.ERI, Univ. of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, 3.Geophysics, Science, Tohoku Univ, Sendai, Japan)

Keywords:seismic interferometry, Kanto sedimentary basin, sedimentary structure, seismic velocity structure

Information on the seismic velocity structure of the Kanto sedimentary basin is necessary for evaluating the strong and long-period ground motions in the Tokyo Metropolitan area for future large-to-great earthquakes. However, there are few studies on the depth variation of both P and S wave velocities of the sediment, except for the vertical seismic profiling (VSP) measurements at a limited number of deep boreholes. In this presentation, we will report the characteristics of the depth variation of both P and S wave velocities of the sediment on the basis of the seismic interferometry for P and S waves of local earthquakes. Seismic waveforms of 160 local earthquakes recorded by the MeSO-net were analyzed in this study. The autocorrelation of vertical displacement waveform of P wave and SH displacement waveform from a single event were stacked over all events available at each station, respectively, to obtain the P- and S-wave reflection responses of the Kanto sedimentary basin. We successfully found clear P- and S-wave reflections from the bedrock (seismic basement) at 266 observation points. This result indicates that the P-wave seismic interferometry is effective for the exploration of deep sedimentary basin as well as S-wave interferometry. In our dada, two-way travel time between the free surface and the bedrock of P-wave and S-wave (hereafter Tp and Ts, respectively) ranges from 0.5 s to 4.0 s and 2.0 s to 8.0 s, respectively. A graph showing Tp-Ts relation reveals that the trend of its variation is very similar to that reported at Iwatsuki deep boreholes from VSP measurement, even though there is a large scatter of data. Our results indicate that the ratio of P-wave velocity and S-wave velocity of the sediment is approximately 4 at a shallow depth (< 0.5 km) and decreases down to 2 or less at a deep depth (> 2.0 km) in the Kanto sedimentary basin. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Data provided by the MeSO-net is gratefully acknowledged. This research was partially supported by the Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo.