Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2014

Presentation information


Symbol S (Solid Earth Sciences) » S-TT Technology & Techniques

[S-TT59_29AM1] Synthetic Aperture Radar

Tue. Apr 29, 2014 9:00 AM - 10:45 AM 414 (4F)

Convener:*Tsutomu Yamanokuchi(Remote Sensing Technology Center of JAPAN), Tomokazu Kobayashi(Geospatial Information Authority of Japan), Yosuke Miyagi(National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention), Chair:Tsutomu Yamanokuchi(Remote Sensing Technology Center of JAPAN), Manabu Watanabe(Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency)

10:00 AM - 10:15 AM

[STT59-05] Monitoring of Ice sheet marginal zone using multi-frequency SAR data

*Tsutomu YAMANOKUCHI1, Koichiro DOI2, Kazuki NAKAMURA3, Shigeru AOKI4 (1.Remote Sensing Technology Center of Japan, 2.National Institute of Polar Research, 3.Nihon University, 4.Institute of Low Temperature Science, Hokkaido University)

Keywords:Ice sheet, multi-frequency, SAR

Environment of Antarctic continent and ice sheet marginal zone is quite important for understanding the mass balance of ice, formation of deep ocean water and other cryospheric phenomena.Previous study showed the usefulness of SAR data to understand what is happen on the bounary area between ice sheet and ice shelf by SAR data analysis, and achieved the mapping of ice sheet surface velocity mapping. In recent, many kinds of satellite equipped SAR sensor plan to launch and these data are available trough the scientific Research Announcement (RA) or Announcement of Oppotunitty (AO). Based on these facts, this study focuses on the use of multi-frequency SAR data for ice sheet marginal zone monitoring. Especially, we focus on the use of InSAR analysis for grounding line extraction, ice flow velocity mapping by offset tracking, and understanding the image feature difference through the interpretation of X-, C- and L- band SAR data. We use X-band data by TerraSAR-X, C-band data by ENVISAT and ERS-1/2, and L-band data by ALOS/PALSAR data. Then, we will try to describe the applicability and prospectives of ALOS-2 / PALSAR-2 dataTerraSAR-X data were provided by DLRs' AO project (Proposal No. HYD1808), ERS-1/2 and ENVISAT data were provided by ESA Cat-1 AO project, (project C1P.7657) and ALOS/PALSAR data were provided by Research Announcement by JAXA PI project (PI No. P1418002).