Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2014

Presentation information

International Session (Oral)

Symbol U (Union) » Union

[U-01_1AM2] Forum for Global Data Sciences in Earth and Planetary Research

Thu. May 1, 2014 11:00 AM - 12:45 PM 419 (4F)

Convener:*Yasuhiro Murayama(National Institute of Information and Communications Technology), Toshio Koike(Department of Civil Engineering, The University of Tokyo), Masatoshi Ohishi(Astronomy Data Center, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan), Masaru Kitsuregawa(Institute of Industrial Science, the University of Tokyo), Ryosuke Shibasaki(Center for Spatial Information Science, the University of Tokyo), Takashi Watanabe(Solar-Terrestrial Environment Laboratory, Nagoya University), Chair:Toshio Koike(Department of Civil Engineering, The University of Tokyo), Yasuhiro Murayama(National Institute of Information and Communications Technology)

11:15 AM - 11:30 AM

[U01-08] Estimation of Ecological Function based on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Information

*Motomi ITO1 (1.Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, University of Tokyo)

Keywords:Biodiversity Informatics, Eco Informatics, Ecosystem Function, Ecosytem Services, IPBES

In the Green Network of Excellence (GRENE) - environmental information project, we are working on collecting biodiversity and ecosystem information, and developing methods to use them for evaluation. In the past three years, more than 500,000 plant distribution information and information of more than 10,000 localities of vegetation had been databaed, and now they become available for users. Based on those information, together with several kinds of environmental information and land use data, it is possible to estimate distribution probability of each plant species, and to estimate some ecosystem functions of the forests with higher accuracy by considering composition of tree species. Here, I will present some examples of estimation of ecological function in Japanese forests, such as forest biomass, CO2 FLUX, and amount of pollination services for crops by insects. I also discuss a way from those ecosystem function to estimating Ecosystem Services, which is a total benefits for us provided by biodiversity and ecosystems function.