


セッション記号 U (ユニオン) » ユニオン

[U-01_1PM2] Forum for Global Data Sciences in Earth and Planetary Research

2014年5月1日(木) 16:15 〜 18:00 419 (4F)

コンビーナ:*村山 泰啓(独立行政法人 情報通信研究機構)、小池 俊雄(東京大学大学院工学系研究科社会基盤学専攻)、大石 雅寿(国立天文台天文データセンター)、喜連川 優(東京大学生産技術研究所)、柴崎 亮介(東京大学空間情報科学研究センター)、渡辺 堯(名古屋大学太陽地球環境研究所)、座長:村山 泰啓(独立行政法人 情報通信研究機構)、渡辺 堯(名古屋大学太陽地球環境研究所)

17:05 〜 17:20

[U01-22] データベースへのDOI付与に関する国内WDCの最近の活動

*能勢 正仁1小山 幸伸1家森 俊彦1石井 守2村山 泰啓3門倉 昭4篠原 育5 (1.京都大学・地磁気世界資料センター、2.情報通信研究機構・電離層宇宙天気世界資料センター、3.情報通信研究機構・WDS科学委員会、4.国立極地研究所・オーロラ世界資料センター、5.宇宙航空研究開発機構・宇宙科学衛星世界資料センター)

キーワード:DOI, Database, Data Citation, Data Publication

Recent electronic journals are published with DOI (digital object identifier) such as doi:10.1029/2012SW000785. DOI is a persistent name that is resolved into URL, where readers can obtain digital objects of the journal articles; for example, abstract, figures, and pdf files. The DOI system was launched around 2000 and becomes popular these days so that DOI is ordinarily indicated in references and citations.The next development of the DOI system is to extend it to database. It makes possible for researchers to cite the data used in a scientific publication, which is called "data citation". Data citation provides the following benefits:• Readers can more easily locate the data used in the paper, obtain necessary information of the data (i.e., metadata), and validate the findings of the paper.• Readers can also easily discover datasets which are relevant to their interests but has not been noticed.• Data contributors can gain professional recognition and rewards for their published data in the same way as for traditional publications.• Data centers can measure the impact of individual datasets and receive proper credit of their work.Recognizing the importance of data citation, World Data Centers (WDCs) in Japan including WDC for Aurora (National Institute of Polar Research), WDC for Geomagnetism (Kyoto University), WDC for Ionosphere and Space Weather (National Institute of Information and Communications Technology), and WDC for Space Science Satellites (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency) started discussion to mint DOI to their own database in August 2013. The discussion finds that Japan Link Center (JaLC) is a proper agency to register DOI-URL mapping, because JaLC aims at public information services to promote science and technology in Japan and it handles scientific and academic metadata and content from holders nationwide, including national institutes, universities. Two representatives of the above 4 WDCs are working closely with JaLC to define a registration scheme to implement the DOI-URL mapping. We are also developing a web-based system to register metadata with JaLC and create landing pages for database. We expect to start a pilot program to mint DOI to the database from the middle of 2014.