18:15 〜 19:30
[U01-P03] Global spectral crustal model
キーワード:crust, density, gravimetric forward modeling, harmonic analysis
We compile the harmonic coefficients, which describe the Earth crustal density structure with a spectral resolution complete to degree/order 180. These coefficients can be used in gravimetric studies of the Earth lithosphere structure, isostasy, crustal loading, sedimentary basins and related topics. The global spectral crustal model is separated into 9 specific layers of the topography, bathymetry, polar ice sheets, sediments (3-layers) and consolidated crust (3-layers). The harmonic coefficients describe uniformly the geometry and density (or density contrast) distribution within each crustal component. The topographic and bathymetric coefficients are generated from the topographic/bathymetric model ETOPO1 and the global geoid model GOCO03s. A uniform density model is adopted for the topography. The ocean density distribution is approximated by the depth-dependent seawater density model. The ETOPO1 topographic and the DTM2006.0 ice thickness data are used to generate the ice coefficients, while assuming a uniform density of the glacial ice. The geometry and density distribution within sediments is described by the 3 stratigraphic layers of a laterally varying density model, and the same structure is used to describe the density distribution within the consolidated crust down to the Moho interface. The sediment and consolidated crust coefficients are generated from the global crustal model CRUST1.0. The density contrasts of the ocean, ice, sediments and remaining crustal structures are taken relative to the reference crustal density.