Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2014

Presentation information


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[U-08_2AM1] How JpGU will manage environment and hazard?

Fri. May 2, 2014 9:00 AM - 10:45 AM Main Hall (1F)

Convener:*Jun Matsumoto(Deaprtment of Geography, Tokyo Metropolitan University), Toshihiko Sugai(Department of Natural Environmental Studies, Institute of Environmental Studies, Graduate School of Frontier Science, The University of Tokyo), Masahito Ishihara(Education unit for Adaptation to Extreme Weather Conditons and Resilient Society, Kyoto University), Mamoru Koarai(Geographic Information Analysis Research Division, Geography and Crustal Dynamics Research Center, Geographical Survey Institute), Chair:Mamoru Koarai(Geographic Information Analysis Research Division, Geography and Crustal Dynamics Research Center, Geographical Survey Institute)

9:45 AM - 10:00 AM

[U08-04] Activity of the AJG to the Great East Japan Earthquake Disaster: Role of academic societies at a big disaster

*Yohta KUMAKI1 (1.Association of Japanese Geographers / Senshu Univ.)

The activity of the Association of Japanese Geographers (AJG) responding to the Great East Japan Earthquake Disaster was as follows:1) "The Headquarters for Disaster Response," the general manager of which was the chairperson of the executive committee of AJG, was set up just after the disaster occurrence. It performed correspondence to a various inquiries, liaison and information exchange with other associations, communication to geographers in the fields, uploading quick reports and proposals to the web site, etc.2) Based on a geographical property to make much of air-photo interpretation and mapping, AJG organized a working group for clarifying the entire surface of the tsunami inundation and published the first report on March 28 (revised eight times until December).3) AJG gave the geography teaching materials to damaged schools by the members' contribution.4) Until March, 2014, ten symposia relating to the Great East Japan Earthquake Disaster were held. The theme were of physical geography (tsunami, liquefaction, slope disaster, disaster of land developed for housing, radioactive contamination, etc.) and of human geography (life of damaged inhabitants, the revival way, etc).On the occasion of a big disaster, societies of geosciences should do not only the academic activity but also take a social role as follows:1) dispatching the research results in a easily understandable way quickly and broadly2) Supporting people and governments based on specialized intellect.3) Supporting to school education.It is important for JpGU to have an open window for the society for disaster outbreak as well as to support the researchers who act in the field.