4:15 PM - 4:30 PM
*Hiroshi UNE1 (1.GSI of Japan)
Symbol H (Human Geosciences) » H-SC Social Earth Sciences & Civil/Urban System Sciences
Sun. May 24, 2015 4:15 PM - 6:00 PM 101B (1F)
Convener:*Tatsuto Aoki(School of Regional Development Studies, Kanazawa University), Yasuhiro Suzuki(Nagoya University), Mamoru Koarai(Survey Department, College of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism), Toshihiko Sugai(Department of Natural Environmental Studies, Institute of Environmental Studies, Graduate School of Frontier Science, The University of Tokyo), Hiroshi Une(Geospacial Information Authority of Japan), Yoichi Nakamura(Department of Earth Sciences, Utsunomiya University), Jun Matsumoto(Deaprtment of Geography, Tokyo Metropolitan University), Shintaro Goto(Department of Environmental Systems Faculty of GEO-Environmental Science Rissho University), Keitarou Hara(Faculty of Informatics, Tokyo University of Information Sciences), Chair:Tatsuto Aoki(School of Regional Development Studies, Kanazawa University)
This session discusses disaster risks being inherent in the natural and human environment, which sometimes happen to appear at a disaster, from the viewpoint of not only natural sciences but also social and human sciences. Examples of discussion subjects are as follows: uncertainty of forecasting disaster and problems of huge disaster with low frequency that raised from the 2011 Tohoku earthquake, the methodology for improving hazard maps, national recovery plans considering probable changes or sustainability of the society, international cooperation for disaster mitigation, problems of active faults or liquefaction, adjusting disaster mitigation plan to the regional characteristics, technical development for supporting disaster prevention, education for the disaster mitigation.
4:15 PM - 4:30 PM
*Hiroshi UNE1 (1.GSI of Japan)
4:30 PM - 4:45 PM
*Mamoru KOARAI1, Kyungrock YE2, Takayuki NAKANO3, Yusuke MIZUUCHI2 (1.College of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, 2.Chiba University, 3.Geospatial Information Authority of Japan)
4:45 PM - 5:00 PM
*Shintaro GOTO1 (1.Department of Environmental Systems Faculty of GEO-Environmental Science Rissho University)
5:00 PM - 5:15 PM
*Kenji HIRATA1, Hiroyuki FUJIWARA1, Hiromitsu NAKAMURA1, Masaki OSADA1, Tsuneo OHSUMI1, Nobuyuki MORIKAWA1, Shin'ichi KAWAI1, Shin AOI1, Naotaka YAMAMOTO1, Hisanori MATSUYAMA2, Nobuhiko TOYAMA2, Tadashi KITOU2, Yoichi MURASHIMA3, Yasuhiro MURATA3, Takuya INOUE3, Ryu SAITO3, Junpei TAKAYAMA3, Shin'ichi AKIYAMA4, Mariko KORENAGA4, Yuta ABE4, Norihiko HASHIMOTO4 (1.NIED, 2.OYO, 3.KKC, 4.CTC)
5:15 PM - 5:30 PM
*Motohiro HONMA1 (1.DPRI, Kyoto University)
5:30 PM - 5:33 PM
*Hiromu DAIMARU1, Wataru MURAKAMI1, Hitoshi SAITO2 (1.Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute, 2.Kanto Gakuin University)
5:33 PM - 5:36 PM
*Masafumi AOYAMA1, Takushi KOYAMA2 (1.Japan Map Center, 2.Oita University)
5:36 PM - 5:39 PM
*Ai SHIBAYAMA1, Haruo YAMAZAKI1 (1.Depertment of geography, Tokyo Metropolitan University)
5:39 PM - 5:42 PM
*Ryusuke IGARASHI1, Toshihiko SUGAI1, Ryusuke IMURA2, Fumikatsu NISHIZAWA3 (1.Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo, 2.Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Kagoshima University, 3.Graduate School of Urban Environmental Sciences, Tokyo Metropolitan University)
5:42 PM - 5:45 PM
*Florent RENARD1, Lucille ALONSO1, Pierre-marie CHAPON1 (1.University Jean Moulin Lyon 3, UMR 5600)
5:45 PM - 5:48 PM
*Toshihiko SUGAI1, Keita HONDA2 (1.Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, the University of Tokyo, 2.Musashi high school and junior high school)
5:48 PM - 5:51 PM
*Shinya SHIMOKAWA1, Tmokazu MURAKAMI1, Satoshi IIZUKA1, Jun YOSHINO2, Takashi YASUDA3 (1.NIED, 2.Gifu Univerisity, 3.Aichi University of Technology)
5:51 PM - 5:54 PM
*Noboru FURUTA1, Kumiko KAWASE2, Ikunori KOBAYASHI3, Yoshiteru CYUJYO1 (1.Faculty of Letters,Tokushima Bunri Univ., 2.Faculty of Education,Ehime Univ., 3.Faculty of Science and Engineering,Tokushima Bunri Univ.)
5:54 PM - 5:57 PM
*Tatsuto AOKI1, Kiyomi HAYASHI1 (1.School of Regional Development, Kanazawa University)