11:00 〜 11:15
セッション記号 S (固体地球科学) » S-VC 火山学
[S-VC11] Volatiles and volcanoes: the role of volatiles in determining how and when volcanoes erupt
2015年5月24日(日) 11:00 〜 12:45 A04 (アパホテル&リゾート 東京ベイ幕張)
コンビーナ:*Iona McIntosh(Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology)、Atsushi Toramaru(Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Faculty of Sciences, Kyushu University)、Alexander Nichols(Japan Agency for Marine Earth Science and Technology)、座長:Alexander Nichols(Japan Agency for Marine Earth Science and Technology)、Iona McIntosh(Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology)
The volatile content of magma is a key factor in determining the eruption style of a volcano. Dissolved volatiles such as H2O, CO2, S and F etc. affect melt viscosity and other physical properties, while volatile exsolution further modifies magma rheology and drives magma ascent via the nucleation and growth of bubbles. Volatiles, melt viscosity and bubble growth dynamics are thus interdependent parameters that directly affect physical eruption mechanisms such as style and depth of magma fragmentation. This session will explore the relationship between volatiles and magmatic processes, from source to surface and micro- to macro-scale, by examining how magmatic volatile contents, physical controls on volatile exsolution, dynamics of bubble growth, development of degassing pathways, and surface gas emissions relate to physical eruption mechanisms, and what evidence for these can be found in eruption products and geophysical and geochemical observational records. We encourage submissions from a broad range of approaches, including geochemical analyses, experimental studies, numerical modelling and field observations, and particularly encourage presentations of new investigative techniques.
11:15 〜 11:30
11:30 〜 12:00
*C ian SCHIPPER1、VOYER, Marion LE2、Yves MOUSSALLAM3、James d.l. WHITE4、Sveinn p JAKOBSSON5、Jun-ichi KIMURA6、Qing CHANG6 (1.SGEES, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand、2.Carnegie Institute, USA、3.ISTO-CNRS l'Universite d'Orleans, France、4.Geology Department, University of Otago, New Zealand、5.Icelandic Institute of Natural History, Iceland、6.IFREE - JAMSTEC, Japan)
12:00 〜 12:15
*斎藤 元治1 (1.産業技術総合研究所 地質調査総合センター)
12:15 〜 12:30
Andrea RIZZO1、*Hj JOST2、Ken-ichiro AKIYAMA2、Doug HAMILTON2、Marie-anne ANCELLIN3、Antonio CARACAUSI1、Mauro MARTELLI1、Antonio PAONITA1、Marcello LIOTTA4 (1.INGV, Palermo, Italy、2.Thermo Fisher Scientific、3.Ecole Nazionale Superieure de Geologie, Nancy, France、4.Seconda Universita degli Studi di Napoli, Caserta, Italy)
12:30 〜 12:33
[SVC11-P02] マグマだまりの底面および壁に付着した気泡が地震波により離脱する条件を調べるアナログ実験
12:33 〜 12:36
[SVC11-P03] Significance of vapor bubbles to the volatile budget of melt inclusions from West Zealandia seamount, Mariana arc
*Alexander NICHOLS1、Yoshihiko TAMURA1、Robert STERN2 (1.JAMSTEC, Yokosuka, Japan、2.Department of Geosciences, University of Texas at Dallas, USA)