


セッション記号 G (教育・アウトリーチ) » 教育・アウトリーチ

[G-01] Education of Earth science in tomorrow classrooms

2015年5月25日(月) 18:15 〜 19:30 コンベンションホール (2F)

コンビーナ:*Chi-Min Liu(Professor, General Education Center, Chienkuo Technology University)

18:15 〜 19:30

[G01-P05] Compiling textbooks of ocean science for students under age eighteen

*Chi-min LIU1 (1.General Education Center, Chienkuo Technology University, Taiwan)

キーワード:ocean science, textbooks, students under 18

In Taiwan, ocean-related courses and textbooks designed for students under age 18 are quite limited at each level of school. There are two reasons for this phenomenon. One is that the ocean knowledge is not seen as a basic science subject in comparison with physics, chemistry and biology. Another reason is that most experts and researchers work at the college level rather than high schools and under. To deepen the education of ocean science for younger students, textbooks entitled as Ocean science, technology and history suitable for students for senior and junior high schools, and elementary schools are compiled by the author. Different from textbooks used in universities and colleges, it requires more delicate strategies and vivid descriptions which are obviously beyond an academic ability of professors. To this end a team including teachers at different levels of schools is established to edit textbooks. Experiences that the authors acquired in editing this textbook are represented herein. They include how the structure of chapters was chosen, how the figures for easy comprehension were painted, and how the difficult and hard sentences were translated to simple expressions.