


セッション記号 H (地球人間圏科学) » H-GG 地理学

[H-GG01] International comparison of landscape appreciation

2015年5月28日(木) 09:00 〜 10:45 101B (1F)

コンビーナ:*Christoph Rupprecht(Griffith School of Environment, Griffith University)、高瀬 唯(千葉大学大学院園芸学研究科)、古谷 勝則(千葉大学大学院園芸学研究科)、座長:Christoph Rupprecht(Griffith School of Environment, Griffith University)

09:45 〜 10:00

[HGG01-04] 弱度間伐はある程度整備された針葉樹林の風景評価と心理的回復効果にどのような影響を与えるのか

*高山 範理1齋藤 暖生2藤原 章雄2堀内 雅弘3 (1.独立行政法人森林総合研究所 森林管理研究領域、2.東京大学大学院附属演習林富士癒しの森研究所、3.山梨県富士山科学研究所 環境共生研究部)

キーワード:風景評価, 心理的回復, 間伐, 森林管理, 森林浴, レクリエーション利用

We investigated the influence of slight thinning (number of woods: 16.6%, basal area: 9.3%) on landscape appreciation and on psychological restorative effect in an on-site setting by exposing respondents for a particular period to an ordinarily managed coniferous woodland (Japanese larch and Japanese red pine in a second-growth forest).

The experiments were conducted in an experimental plot (0.25 ha; 50 m x 50 m) in the coniferous woodland in Fuji Iyashinomoroi Woodland Study Center in May (before thinning) and October 2013 (after thinning), with the mean temperature and relative humidity being almost constant during the two experimental periods. The respondents were the same fifteen individuals (eleven males, four female; aged twenties to forties) for the two experiments.

The respondents were individually exposed to the control setting (enclosed session), which was enclosed by a large tarp in a large tent, and the experimental setting (opened session), which was opened without the tarp in the same tent, at random for 15 min. In both the sessions, the respondents were required to answer three questionnaires to investigate the psychological restorative effect before and only after the experiment (feeling; POMS, affect; PANAS, subjective restorativeness; ROS). For landscape appreciation, the respondents were required to answer other two questionnaires after the experiment (scene appreciation (SD) restorative property of environment (PRS)).

As a result of the analysis, there was a statistical difference in subjective restoartiveness before and after thinning (p <.05), however, not for the other parameters such as feeling and affect before and after thinning in the psychological restorative effect. For the parameter of landscape appreciation, there was no statistical difference in scene appreciation and the restorative property of the environment, except for some indices (thermal sensation (p < .01) and brightness (p < .05)).

Thus, to add to our current knowledge of psyops theory, when a planner wants to control the user’s landscape appreciation and/or psychological restorative effect in the ordinarily managed coniferous woodland such as focused on this research, it is suggested that stronger thinning would be necessary. On the other hand, as the meaningful knowledge, although there is a possibility that scene appreciation, which was relatively warm and bright before thinning, would influence the score of the psychological restorative effect, if the week thinning is conducted, the psychological effect is not always enhanced; in contrast, it might decrease the subjective restorativeness of the user.

Lastly, this study provides new information about relationship of thinning with forest management and the possibility of it demonstrating health rest functions such as forest recreation and forest bathing.