


セッション記号 S (固体地球科学) » S-GD 測地学

[S-GD23] 重力・ジオイド

2015年5月27日(水) 18:15 〜 19:30 コンベンションホール (2F)

コンビーナ:*西島 潤(九州大学大学院 工学研究院 地球資源システム工学部門)、青山 雄一(国立極地研究所)

18:15 〜 19:30

[SGD23-P02] 金沢大学重力データベースの改良

*本多 亮1澤田 明宏2平松 良浩2 (1.東濃地震科学研究所、2.金沢大学理工研究域自然システム学類)

キーワード:重力異常, データベース

The gravity database of Kanazawa University is now available on web (Honda et al., 2012, J. Geod. Soc. Japan). The terrain correction for the gravity data is based on Honda and Kono (2005, J. Geod. Soc. Japan) applying 50 m gridded topography data, which is based on various DEM, including sea data published by Japan Oceanographic Data Center, Japan Coast Gurad. Recently, 10 m DEM published by Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism is available, which covers all over the country. We refined our correction routine to apply the fine DEM. The terrain gravity correction, especially on mountainous region, improved by this application. We report our new correction routine with the refined gravity anomaly map.

This research is promoted by the Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), No. 26400450.