


セッション記号 B (地球生命科学) » B-PT 古生物学・古生態学

[B-PT27] 原生代末/顕生代生物多様性変遷:絶滅と多様化

2015年5月24日(日) 11:00 〜 12:45 104 (1F)

コンビーナ:*磯崎 行雄(東京大学大学院総合文化研究科広域科学専攻広域システム科学系)、澤木 佑介(東京工業大学大学院 理工学研究科 地球惑星科学専攻)、座長:磯崎 行雄(東京大学大学院総合文化研究科広域科学専攻広域システム科学系)

11:00 〜 11:15

[BPT27-08] ペルム紀中期末における超海洋パンサラッサの窒素循環変動

*斎藤 誠史1西澤 学1上野 雄一郎2小福田 大輔3磯崎 行雄3高井 研1 (1.海洋研究開発機構、2.東京工業大学、3.東京大学)

To examine the changes in the oceanic N cycle and their possible relationships to the extinction at the end-Guadalupian (Middle Permian), we analyzed the N isotopic compositions (d15N) of the upper Guadalupian paleo-atoll limestone, accumulated on the top of a mid-oceanic seamount in the superocean Panthalassa, at Akasaka in central Japan. The d15N values of the limestone are substantially high (ca. +20 permil on average) throughout the analyzed interval. These values are the highest in the previously reported d15N records throughout the entire Phanerozoic. The substantially high d15N values suggest enhanced oceanic denitrification/anammox in the Capitanian (Late Guadalupian). Moreover, the present results revealed remarkably large d15N fluctuations in the analyzed limestone at Akasaka. We interpret that periodic expansion and reduction of the oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) in mid-Panthalassa caused the observed d15N fluctuations in the Capitanian. The suggested OMZ expansions may have been attributed to the high productivity 'Kamura event' in the surface oceans enhancing a biological pump. Chemostratigraphic correlations imply that the enhanced denitrification in the expanded OMZ may have been a global phenomenon in the Capitanian. Widespread developments of the anoxic deep-waters prior to the extinction may have stressed the shallow-marine biota by upwelling at the end-Guadalupian.