18:15 〜 19:30
[SSS28-P10] 2014年長野県北部地震(Mw6.2)の地表地震断層の構造特徴
キーワード:2014年 Mw 6.2長野地震, 地表地震断層, 神城断層, 糸魚川-静岡構造帯, プレート境界, 衝上断層
2014年11月22日に長野県でMj 6.8 (Mw 6.2)の地震が発生し、震源周辺域に大きな被害をもたらした。地震直後の現地調査により、1)総延長9.3 kmの地表地震断層はほぼ既存の活断層-神城断層沿い現れたことと、2)地表地震断層は横ずれ成分を伴った逆断層であることと、3)最大0.7mの左横ずれを伴う鉛直変位量は5cmから1.5 m (おおよそ0.5?1 m)であったことなどが明らかになった。地表地震断層は、明瞭な断層崖、雁行割れ目、モールトラック・撓曲構造や噴砂を含む地表の変形構造により特徴付けられる。
Field investigations reveal that the Mj 6.8 (Mw 6.2) Nagano (Japan) earthquake of 22 November 2014 produced a 9.3-km-long co-seismic surface rupture zone. Slip occurred on the pre-existing active Kamishiro Fault, which is developed along the Itoigawa-Shizuoka Tectonic Line, which defines the boundary between the Eurasian and North American plates. The surface-rupturing earthquake produced dominant thrusting and subordinate strike-slip displacement. Structures that developed during the co-seismic surface rupture include thrust faults, fault scarps, en-echelon tension cracks, folding structures such as mole tracks and flexural folds, and sand-boils. The surface displacements measured in the field range from ~5 cm to 1.5 m in the vertical (typically 0.5-1 m), accompanied by a strike-slip component that reached 0.7 m along NE-trending ruptures. These observations indicate a thrust-dominated displacement along the seismogenic fault. Our results show that (i) the pre-existing Kamishiro Fault, which strikes NNE-SSW, controlled the spatial distribution of co-seismic surface ruptures and displacements; and (ii) the style and magnitude of thrust displacements indicate that the present-day shortening strain on the Eurasian?North American plate boundary in the study area is released mainly by seismic thrust displacements along the active Kamishiro Fault.
Field investigations reveal that the Mj 6.8 (Mw 6.2) Nagano (Japan) earthquake of 22 November 2014 produced a 9.3-km-long co-seismic surface rupture zone. Slip occurred on the pre-existing active Kamishiro Fault, which is developed along the Itoigawa-Shizuoka Tectonic Line, which defines the boundary between the Eurasian and North American plates. The surface-rupturing earthquake produced dominant thrusting and subordinate strike-slip displacement. Structures that developed during the co-seismic surface rupture include thrust faults, fault scarps, en-echelon tension cracks, folding structures such as mole tracks and flexural folds, and sand-boils. The surface displacements measured in the field range from ~5 cm to 1.5 m in the vertical (typically 0.5-1 m), accompanied by a strike-slip component that reached 0.7 m along NE-trending ruptures. These observations indicate a thrust-dominated displacement along the seismogenic fault. Our results show that (i) the pre-existing Kamishiro Fault, which strikes NNE-SSW, controlled the spatial distribution of co-seismic surface ruptures and displacements; and (ii) the style and magnitude of thrust displacements indicate that the present-day shortening strain on the Eurasian?North American plate boundary in the study area is released mainly by seismic thrust displacements along the active Kamishiro Fault.