Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2015

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[U-06] Evolution of New Seamless Science: From Space, Sun to the Earth Surface

Sun. May 24, 2015 9:00 AM - 10:45 AM 105 (1F)

Convener:*Yutaka Matsumi(Solar-Terrestrial Environment Laboratory, Nagoya University), Kanya Kusano(Solar-Terrestrial Environment Laboratory, Nagoya University), Joji Ishizaka(Hydrospheric Atmospheric Research Center, Nagoya University), Kazuhisa Tsuboki(Hydrospheric Atmospheric Research Center, Nagoya University), Masaki Enami(Center for Chronological Research, Nagoya University), Chair:Joji Ishizaka(Hydrospheric Atmospheric Research Center, Nagoya University)

9:15 AM - 9:35 AM

[U06-02] Importance of integrated research on the Sun-Earth-Life Interactive System (SELIS)

*Tetsuzo YASUNARI1 (1.Research Institute for Humanity and Nature)

Keywords:Sun, Earth, Biosphere, Interaction, Earth system, Integrated research

In the 20th century, the understanding of our planet earth was promoted through segmentalization and/or disaggregation of the complex earth system. However, large negative aspects of scientific activity have also emerged, e.g., global environmental issues, such as global warming, the ozone depletion issue, desertification, and the destruction of tropical rainforests. In the 21st century we must have a holistic view of the earth and environment, where we live, by integrating the physical, chemical and biological earth, of course, including human beings. I believe that the items one and two listed above are important for understanding the integrated seamless system of the earth. Based upon these ideas, we conducted the 21 century COE program titled "The Sun-Earth-Life Interactive System (SELIS)" in the right direction, and that the role of the program has become important for promoting a more holistic approach of geosciences both in research and education. Through the SELIS-COE program, we became convinced of a necessity of the new paradigm for integrated understanding our planet earth, including human beings and the life. It is my great pleasure to hear that the Nagoya University is now going to set up a new research institute for SELIS. I do hope and believe that this new institute would lead study on SELIS both national-wide and internationally.