18:15 〜 19:30
★ [PPS04-P01] 太陽地球系物理学科学委員会(SCOSTEP)の活動
キーワード:太陽, 地球, SCOSTEP, 地球惑星科学
The Scientific Committee on Solar Terrestrial Physics (SCOSTEP) is an interdisciplinary body of the International Council for Science (ICSU). The main task of the committee is to organize and conduct international program on solar-terrestrial physics (STP) of finite duration in cooperation with other ICSU bodies. The committee was founded in 1966, and has carried out various international programs such as International Magnetospheric Study (IMS: 1976-79); Solar Maximum Year (SMY: 1979-81); Middle Atmosphere Program (MAP: 1982-85); and Solar-Terrestrial Energy Program (STEP: 1990-97). Four Post-STEP programmes over the period 1998-2002 include: STEP-Results, Applications, and Modeling Phase (SRAMP); International Solar Cycle Study (ISCS); Planetary Scale Mesopause Observing System (PSMOS); and Equatorial Processes Including Coupling (EPIC ). After that, Climate and Weather of the Sun-Earth System (CAWSES: 2004-2008) and CAWSES-II(2009-2013) were carried out. Detail of the current program, VarSITI (Variability of the Sun and Its Terrestrial Impact) will be presented by another talk, but this paper will introduces the history, the structure and the activities of SCOSTEP, and relations with other international bodies.