2:15 PM - 2:45 PM
★ [AAS01-01] Lidar Measurements of Atmospheric Column CO2 from Regional to Global Scales
Keywords:atmospheric CO2, lidar measurements, regional, global
In this presentation, atmospheric CO2 column measurements from airborne flight campaigns and lidar system simulations for space missions will be discussed. Data analysis shows that airborne lidar CO2 column measurements over desert and vegetated surfaces agree well with in-situ measurements. A measurement precision of ~0.3 ppmv for a 10-s average over these surfaces has also been achieved. Generally, airborne flight campaigns have demonstrated that the column CO2 measurements of the current IM-CW lidar systems meet the accuracy and precision requirements of atmospheric CO2 sciences. Furthermore, analyses of space CO2 measurements shows that the current IM-CW lidar technology and approach will enable space missions to achieve their science goals.